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All my Gigs coming in the last page of search



Hi all,

I am a level two seller in fiverr with 315 five stars and no negative review. The response rate, delivery rate and order completion is 100%.

Three weeks back I added three new gigs. After that all my gigs are appearing in last page of the search results. Before it used to be in first page and the impressions was in thousands. Now the impressions have come down to 200. 

I contacted the support and they said my gigs were fine. Please help. Thank you.

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5 answers to this question

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Create a blog site free at WordPress or Blogspot to write about you & put the URL of your gig and share your blog post in social media

Sign up for forums and help the people to solve their problems & put your gig URL there but don’t make spam. If you write anything about Fiverr or online earning in your blog, you also re-publish in other social blog or forums.

Create a Youtube channel & make some videos introducing yourself as an expert in your particular subject & put the link of your gigs.

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4 hours ago, anisocialmarket said:

Create a blog site free at WordPress or Blogspot to write about you & put the URL of your gig and share your blog post in social media

Sign up for forums and help the people to solve their problems & put your gig URL there but don’t make spam. If you write anything about Fiverr or online earning in your blog, you also re-publish in other social blog or forums.

Create a Youtube channel & make some videos introducing yourself as an expert in your particular subject & put the link of your gigs.

Thank you so much for your valuable advice. I will follow the same. God bless you.

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Hey! The same happend to me!

Delivey time 100%

Completition rate 100%

960 reviews, 5.0 average

over 4 years on Fiverr and 2 weeks ago being throwed on the last page for ALL my gigs! So no one can tell me that it’s up to my gig, entire profile has been affected. And i guess it’s a glitch in Algorithm. So many people are reporting these problems where alogortihm throws you literally on the last page of search results.

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