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Formatting a request
Question: I have created I gig on fiverr and I have got some good impressions after creating the gig and than after few days this is getting down what could be the reason behind this?
By gazi_imruu, in Questions
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Question: I can't publish my gig on fiverr
By abiola_dave, in Starter Questions
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When submitting a request, it says "Be as detailed as possible"... I spent 2400 characters being detailed, with several paragraphs and a bit of pseudo-code for the task I wanted doing.
On submission, Fiverr removed all the whitespace, linebreaks and blank lines and turned the lot into a single massive and somewhat incomprehensible wall of text. I then received an email saying it was rejected for being "The request is unclear or misleading. Please clearly explain what you’re looking for." (or a duplicate, which it wasn't.) This doesn't surprise me given the mess that was made of it! The threat of restricting my account for repeating the violation is just taking the micky, though.
Is there way of actually formatting, or at the very least being able to split into paragraphs, a request? The form is just an empty box to type in, without any of the formatting controls that show on e.g. this forum post form.
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