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Can I block another seller from seeing my gig portfolio?



Hi guys, 

I hope to find you well! I am writing because I have a seller that is exactly copying all my works. I am a graphic designer but on Fiverr I do simple images to use as thumbnails. My gig works very well but this guy is always making the same images, same design I use but of course I cannot appeal to the CS as he isn't taking my actual images, he just takes WAY TOO MUCH inspiration... ( same product on image, same color, same design layout, same text) he is delivering to his clients something that maybe I already created... It is really unfair, I mean, every graphic designer takes a look to other's projects in order to take inspiration but this is crazy... I already messaged him in past saying that I was disappointed on having him on my neck all the time. His gig description is a copy paste of mine... 

Do you know how can I avoid this? Is there any chance I can make my portfolio invisible to him? I already blocked him once but apparently this isn't working

Thank you for your help 🙂

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4 answers to this question

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2 hours ago, sarayves said:

His gig description is a copy paste of mine... 

This should be enough for CS to warn them at least - not sure if it's a straight ban (because it could be a 'one-off' thing) but if it's a straight out copy I'd imagine CS would help you. (art theft is harder to prove because of the dilemma of inspiration vs plagarism. Even if it's clearly copied, if x% is different, they can just say they were 'inspired' (but it's not allowed to copy gig descriptions...)

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