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Welcome to the new Logo Maker sellers' forum!

Logo Maker Team

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Hey Logo Makers 🎉
Fiverr's Logo Maker Team here and this is our official introduction to the new forum dedicated to all things LOGO MAKER!

This forum is dedicated to Logo Maker sellers only and the best place to enjoy insider-only content dedicated to help you become the best seller you can be. 

You'll enjoy posts regarding:

  • tips & tricks to up your Logo Maker game
  • platform and editor updates
  • hot industries in demand
  • success stories
  • and so much more.

We've also gathered yours posts and discussions related to our platform so all topics will be here, available at all times. Feel free to post and tag our account @Logo Maker Team if you have any questions or followup chatter about the topics above.

We're excited to get things started,
Fiverr's LM Team

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On 11/11/2021 at 11:24 AM, Logo Maker Team said:

This forum is dedicated to Logo Maker sellers only

If you plan on making this category exclusive while on a public forum, you'll need to set up some permissions and join-conditions on the backend. As it stands, it's still 'public' and anyone can view and post. You might also have to moderate it more closely, as you'll be cordoning out many of the forum regulars who help report problems.

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  • 3 months later...
On 11/19/2021 at 8:22 PM, imagination7413 said:

If you plan on making this category exclusive while on a public forum, you'll need to set up some permissions and join-conditions on the backend. As it stands, it's still 'public' and anyone can view and post. You might also have to moderate it more closely, as you'll be cordoning out many of the forum regulars who help report problems.

Agree with this.
I just got an invitation and look up, what is this.
I thought it kinda something like special / for Logo Maker only, but then I realized that it still on public forum.

Having it set up the permissions will gave the exclusivity of the member, just for Fiverr Logo Maker participant for example.

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