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Question about reporting posts/threads.


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So, I've been a bit more active in reporting threads lately, sticking mostly to 'wrong category' stuff, since that's (presumably) a fairly easy 'fix' for Forum Staff, and actively helps to clean up some of the mess.

Do you folks prefer the added messages when things are reported? I would think this help to understand the 'why' of the report, but for all I know, this might just 'create more paperwork' and cause more annoyance on the backend. I also realize that it may be up to the individual back there for what they prefer.

As I want to contribute in the most helpful way possible, it would be nice to have word on the best method of reporting. Do you prefer I type out the whole category name? So far, I use 'Conversations', 'Rant', 'Bugs', 'Experience' and the like, rather than 'Casual Conversations', 'The Ranting Pot', 'Report a Bug', and 'Your Fiverr Experience'. Do you care that I suggest a category at all? Is it helpful? Am I just wasting my time and mental energy pondering what the 'best' category for something might be? (Someone complaining they have no orders, but doesn't actually ask for help: Rant or Improve? Someone commenting on a bug, but communicates possible solutions: Bugs or Site Suggestions? Someone asking an opinion question that has no set answer: FAQ or Conversations? A completely gibberish post that makes no sense and has no context: ????)

Current method (common reports):


Not a tip. (or other 'not a _', or just 'Wrong category')
> Improve My Gig (or listing another suggested category)

If the topic post (OP) contains a Fiverr link:


> My Fiverr Gigs

If no link, but clearly an ad:


> My Fiverr Gigs

Yes, I do see this as a difference between ads and spam, for reporting purposes, because of the mentioned 'reputation' system. I don't know what or how you have it set up, but link-spam should have a higher penalty, due to outright breaking an official forum rule (#6), and not just making a mess by posting in the wrong category. 


One of the main ones I'm unsure about is how to properly report copied content. Usually, I link proof, within the report, of the original (or at least a) source that dates older than the forum post. However, most of those that are copied from off Fiverr are 'external links' and some even are sketchy and I don't want to share, even if it's proof of the copied content. Do you Staff prefer the proof in this case even if sketchy, or is just reporting it as 'copied' with no proof alright? How long does it need to be to be considered 'copied'?

How (what term(s)/phrase) should copied content with words-swapped be reported? 
In what way should mimicked posts with switched out words be flagged?


Lastly, where should I suggest 'Celebrations' go in a report? I've noticed they tend to accumulate in either 'Experience' or 'Stories', but there's no difference, from what I can see. Should I just not suggest a category, and just report it a 'celebration'? Back when I was a regular, I moved them into 'My Fiverr Gigs' because I noticed a trend of many attaching a link to their profile, or gig, or attaching an image of the gig, in the post, thus NEEDING to be moved to 'My Gigs' due to Forum Rule 6. There's also the logic that, since they're celebrating their gig (they wouldn't have the order without the gig), it should be in 'My Gigs'. It was thus a reasonable step, for sake of consistency, to move all 'celebration' posts there, just to keep them from clogging up other categories. 

Section TLDR: Since there's no 'Celebration' category: what ONE category should they be in, and, PLEASE, why?

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  • 4 weeks later...

Been pondering how to address this for three weeks, because, per rule 4 of https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/253722-community-standards-forum-rules-2021/:


It is against the forum rules to copy/paste content from these private messages or take screen shots of them and post the content on the public forum. 

I was contacted by one of the forum staff through DM, and they read my case/argument for celebration posts being moved to 'My Fiverr Gigs'. Because this conversation was in DM, though, I can't share the answer without breaking the rules. As such, I've decided to post a part of my side here as they are my words, nothing I haven't said on the forums before, and I will edit the one bit that was context sensitive. If that forum staff is willing to share his answer here, great, and I also give you permission to share the whole of my part of the conversation, if you feel that the context is necessary for others to be able to understand your answer.

If not, then I guess the rest of the forum regulars are left in limbo...



To add to what I've already given, in the category revamp was the 'celebrations/achievements' suggestion (line 20 in the first tab of the document, line 7 in the second)(https://community.fiverr.com/forums/topic/187218-2020-suggestion-document-feedback/) implying that adding the category was under consideration. If such a category was/is indeed coming, then ALL the celebration posts put in [category] now will have to be moved again once it's open. Meaning more work for you guys. By putting them in "My Fiverr Gigs" now, it will saves all you staff additional work once/if a 'celebrations' category comes out (because no one gives MFG any attention, as it's basically the 'spam box').



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  • 2 months later...
23 minutes ago, imagination7413 said:

Recently saw this: 

For sake of clarity:

How are we to report 'nonsensical advice threads'? (How to best go about it.) Should we report using those exact words?

And how late/old can we report them? (There's nearly a year's worth. Since the forum migration. )

Hey @imagination7413

I am actively moderating the Fiverr tips subcategory. 
So I am trying to eliminate all nonsense “top 10 tips” from sellers with 0 experience and looking into a poster’s profile to vet the source.

I don’t handle flags, unless I see an abnormally large number of them and suspect something bug is going down.

That being said, for me personally, it’s easier if you tag me on a thread you feel is utter nonsense or bad advice and I will get right on it. (Even if it’s not in the “seller tips” category)

For right now, I am not touching old threads and I am going easy on people who I see are genuinely trying to be helpful.

But as I move forward my plan is to nuke the whole subcategory and with some help from admins restrict posting any tips if some criteria are not met.


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