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Is the buyer request usefull or is it a waste of time?


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Since I started here on fiverr I discovered every day some new features like i discovered the buyer request option a few weeks a ago. Since then I look every day to the requests and I submit my gig from which I know it will fullfil the buyers’s needs.

It was until yesterday that I discoverd you can actually see if your request has been fullfilled by clicking on the tab “offers sent”. Now I see that all the offers I have sent until now (19) except for one are still open and not yet fullfilled by me or another seller…

This is why I wonder if it is a usefull feature, or maybe it needs a better and easier user interface, so people who request a gig can see the offers in their mailbox or on the homepage when they log in.


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Reply to @kjblynx: Thanks for sharing your opinion, I also think it is a waste of time but this might be because of the website’s interface as I discovered earlier this week.

A few days ago I submitted a request and I have to be honnest that I almost forgot that I’ve sent a request. You realy need to go the shopping menu, then click on “request a gig” and then you can see the offers for your request.

It would be better if I see offers from my request directly in my mailbox and also in my Fiverr messages when I log in.

This way the buyer request will get more attention and attract some customers, because the problem now I think is that people asking for a gig don’t know where to look once they’ve sent there request.

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  • 2 months later...

It would be ideal if there were a way to flag sellers who’s background doesn’t match the gig. I was inundated with some folks who hadn’t even completed a gig nonetheless had the skills to complete the job I needed. I wound up just deleting the request.

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Guest mohsinraza50

I also thought it was a waste of time until yesterday. I got an order and the buyer has liked my service so much that he bought 2 gigs in a day and looks like he’ll come for more. So, I think ‘buyer’s request’ section is worth trying. Doesn’t take long to go through recent requests.

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