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5 minutes ago, singernayem said:

Active 24/7.

Very Incorrect. Being online bears no on how your Gig performs or how likely a buyer is to choose you. All you will achieve is frustration sitting in front of your computer wondering why you're not getting orders because you're online.
Plus, nobody can physically be online 24/7. It's a very unhealthy approach to work.


5 minutes ago, singernayem said:

Send 10 buyer Request.

Great if you want to be stuck begging for $5-$10 jobs in the buyer request section every day. Set yourself up for long term success instead focus your time and energy on how you present your Gig, and attracting your target market to come to you, the way Fiverr is intended for use.


7 minutes ago, singernayem said:

Be patient.

Nobody ever got what they wanted out of life by being patient.

If something is not happening the way you want, you have to do something in order to change it. Waiting around hoping for things to get better, or doing the same thing and expecting different results is never going to work, ever. Be pro-active instead and make what you want to happen, happen.




You have had 1 order in over two years on the platform @singernayem
You are clearly not qualified to be offering advice to anyone. Especially if you're following your own advice, and this results in a single order since April 2019.

Please stop offering bad advice, and very incorrect information.

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