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Buyer no review given


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My first order completed & delivery  done. But Buyer delivery not accepting it. He hanging my first order. After 3 days automatically accepted it. But Buyer no positive review given me. After first order completed with no review. How Can I get my second order. 


Getting order doesn't depend on buyer reviews. Yes reviews help to grow your gig and rank it (not sure about fiverr algorithm). But it wont help much to get your second order. Instead of this, start sending buyer request more, start hunting buyers from out side of fiverr. Showcase your skill to the world.
Best of luck.

Happy Freelancing. 

On 10/30/2021 at 7:44 AM, saiful7373 said:

My first order completed & delivery  done. But Buyer delivery not accepting it. He hanging my first order. After 3 days automatically accepted it. But Buyer no positive review given me. After first order completed with no review. How Can I get my second order. 

It's your client's choice weather he/she will give a review/rating. Buyer can't force his/her client for positive review/ratings.



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