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Let's talk about what motivates you


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I think everyone has a non-virtual motivation, and we can be more than motivated by getting many orders. Do you have a playlist, book or people that excite you? Looking at bohemian interior designs motivates me these days. I know it's weird, but I believe the work environment has an impact on psychology. Imagining myself in places where I would enjoy working motivates me. Also, I would like to leave one of my favorite words here,

¨Live to impress yourself. Not others.¨

I can't wait to hear your thoughts 👩‍💻

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Financial freedom really motivates me, especially now the world is becoming more uncertain. Day-to-day motivation/inspiration can come from different places, though, like chatting to cool people, eating/drinking something interesting, learning something new, finding something nice I want to buy.

It's also a goal of mine to do something worthy of a "conga rats" from Visualstudios.

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Would it be weird to say 'quilts'?

I've recently gotten my sewing machine up-and-running, and there are several YouTube channels that have absolute stunning quilts patterns, and fabrics, and designs that make me more willing to slog through my backlog of ripped jeans and torn-out buttons so I can do some for-fun sewing projects too!

Yeah, that's short term rather than long-term, but it's still motivational.

Long-term motivation: Dave Ramsey, Chris Hogan, Ken Coleman.

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4 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

I've recently gotten my sewing machine up-and-running

I'm pretty crafty and I can make stuff, draw stuff, but the ONE thing I can't do is use the sewing machine. Seriously.
Haven't touched that monster in.....well, YEARS. And I mean YEARS!! I hand-sew everything!! 😅

Maybe, juuuuust maybe I will challenge myself to using the sewing machine. I remember nothing though, I might need to rely on those youtube tutorials and start from scratch. 

I'm not sure what motivates me....wine and cheese and chocolate? And BBQ? Steak? Ribs??
I also love to watch creative stuff on Pinterest. My mother asked me to make a "vintage looking Christmas wreath" for this year and I'm checking out photos.
Pinterest is a deep and dangerous rabbit hole, I gotta say.

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I am planning to buy an apartment !

So whenever I start scrolling IG and see any beautiful apartment, it push me to turn back to my computer and start working 😄

Thats what motivates me nowadays !

Almost same what motivates you

11 hours ago, serrakizilkaya said:

interior designs

Just didnt know what was bohemian but now that would too 😄

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This might sound funny or even seem like an advertisement.

But what motivates me is when a client saddles me with the responsibility of having a market research analysis for an industry which I have a little or no knowledge of. 

Makes me go off board😀

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On 10/20/2021 at 4:43 AM, surajrenuka said:

So whenever I start scrolling IG and see any beautiful apartment, it push me to turn back to my computer and start working 😄


On 10/19/2021 at 8:38 PM, ahmwritingco said:

Day-to-day motivation/inspiration can come from different places, though, like chatting to cool people

I totally understand what you mean and I agree with you 👏 

On 10/19/2021 at 11:14 PM, imagination7413 said:

I've recently gotten my sewing machine up-and-running, and there are several YouTube channels that have absolute stunning quilts patterns, and fabrics, and designs that make me more willing to slog through my backlog of ripped jeans and torn-out buttons so I can do some for-fun sewing projects too!

This is great because it also gives you the responsibility of principled work and the practice of mind. Definitely a meaningful motivation!

On 10/20/2021 at 4:18 AM, zeus777 said:

Pinterest is a deep and dangerous rabbit hole, I gotta say.

Haha totally. Sometimes it can make you more pessimistic when it should be motivating.

On 10/20/2021 at 10:06 AM, lilychinadancer said:

I want to go many nice place and eat some good food

Yes! A good food is always the number one motivation 👍

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