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How many times I should use the main Keyword in the Gig?


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If you have any idea about the Keyword Placement on the Fiverr gig then share it now. Here many new sellers use their main Keywords a lot of time. For this, the face KW stuffing problem. I also agree with this (No one likes the Keyword Stuffing).

Now here is the main question come. This is, How many times I should use the main Keyword in the Gig? 

I am thinking

  • In URL (1 time)
  • In Title (1 time) and 
  • Only 2 times in the Description

Total: 4 Time.

What is your opinion? Please share it. Because every new seller has to know it.

34 minutes ago, mionbasky said:


Can you actually read the OP's post, and provide something of value when contributing, instead of just spamming 'good'.

What is 'good' about the OP's thread? He's clearly asking for peoples opinion on keyword placement.
As with a number of your other posts that I've seen, can you please stop spamming.

If you want to say 'thanks', or just like the content, you need to be using the emojis / reactions that are available.


4 hours ago, seoservies_ said:

What is your opinion? Please share it. Because every new seller has to know it.

Experiment, and see what happens. None of us can predict the future. We do not know what will work for you, and what will not. Take a risk. Test your theories, and see what happens.


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