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Promoting Your Fiverr Gigs on Twitter & Facebook


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We all know it is wonderful to get sales, but just like any other business, you must advertise your services to be found. I have been using twitter and it is a huge help. Some things to keep in mind are:

  1. Don’t overdo it. Tweeting & posting too many links can get you into trouble with Twitter.

    2.Talk about your business & the things you do and wait for responses, then give the link to your gig(s) or your fiverr profile.
  2. Be sociable, don’t just talk about business talk about things that make you happy or feel good. Share images and positive quotes.
  3. When you make those who you socialize with feel good about themselves, they in turn feel good about you. That confidence in you, will result in more sales.

    I hope this helps. 🙂
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Great tips sassygirl23 thanks for sharing. I personally swear by social marketing (done right, as you said). andreo92 time to get started. If you already have a Twitter account, see what your followers are like and what they talk about, and join in the conversations. Best wishes. Tweet ➡️ :-@

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andreo92 said: How exactly do you promote it on Twitter ? Never done it before, so I could use the tips.

If you have a twitter account talk about yourself but better yet talk to others who are following you. Learn more about them and take the time to see what there needs are, be genuine and sincere and when they ask about what you do, share that information. It can go a bit further than "Look at my great gigs on Fiverr" Its not that you cant do that and probably should on occasion, just be sure to interact with people. 


Reply to @magellon: Thank you for the compliments. You are welcome and exactly right. Get to know your followers on social media and you will soon find yourself with virtual friends who will either want your services or know someone who does.

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Here are some more tips. Don’t just tweet text and links, but use images as well. A pretty picture with an inspirational quoted will get reposted many more times thank text will. Just keep a balance. Too much of the same thing will get boring to people, so keep it fresh. The images will also help you get posted to other social media sites like Pinterest. 🙂

Prmoting on Facebook is getting much harder nowadays. Facebook is limiting who can see your posts and how many will see them. As I understand it, if you have 10,000 fans, maybe 15% or 1500 will see it. The same goes for posting on your own personal profile. One thing you can do, is create lists on your personal account and share to your fan or business page posts to each group. However, be careful not to post more than once per day or you will be in trouble with Facebook for spam. 

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Guest atuldayal

sassygirl23 how do you exactly promote mean only by posting links or you wrute something before postind link?

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Reply to @andreo92: As well said by sassygirl23, twitter as all the other social platforms is a great way to promote your products.

You must have in mind that to get customers via these platforms you have to spend a lot of time there, to be a part of their community. You have to add value to your profile and to try to help others too. Don’t just go and tell ‘’ Hi, I’m selling this service!’’ No! Try to help others, to understand their problems and be a solution for them. Make friends! Don’t see them as customers.


Reply to @sassygirl23: Facebook is really hard these days and seems to lose its value day by day. It’s really very hard to be exposed to other communities or to be a part of them. You can have the best content ever but as well said by you, it will reach a very small percentage of your followers. You have to make them come back daily or often to your page or your profile in order to see your updates!

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In nowadays just Fiverr searching algorithms are doing the rulles, not social media, SEO campaigns or other promotion techniques. If “somebody” is loving you, then you can get 7 orders in 2h, else… you can do a crazy marketing just to hope to get one more order per day (if you’re lucky to get it)…

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Reply to @atuldayal: If you only promote your gigs on twitter using links then you will be breaking the rules for spam on twitter. I hope that answers your questions.


Reply to @whitehatseo10: Marketing isn’t just about luck, you must target those that you believe would be interested in your services.


Reply to @kostaspap: Exactly, thankfully there are several social media outlets to reach more people. If you can figure out a way to get people back to your facebook page daily without spending a lot of money doing it, then you would be golden.

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Reply to @whitehatseo10: Not sure if you are attempting to insult me, nevertheless, my sales volumes are fairly good for what I do. I am not in this to make lots of money just a bit of extra. Searching algorithms have nothing to do with how anyone promotes his or her gigs unless they are promoting them from their own personal web sites. FYI anyone can submit their own links to High PR web sites.

If you do not have your own web site, I suggest you create one using a high PR site like weebly and its free to use. You can use it to promote your gigs and services. Even if you do have a web site you should create one with them because of the PR score of weebly and use it as a blog or additional marketing channel.

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Reply to @kjblynx: Thank you. I see, it could just be the translation to English. I dont think fiverr plays favoritism, but they are going to do what is best for their business and promote the most successful gigs. At the same time, we can find our own business by promoting ourselves using social media and word of mouth.

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You dont need a lot of followers on social media to get sales. You just need to make sure people who you are connected with have the same likes and interests you are looking to market to. So if you have a gig that has to do with writing food blogs, then you would want to make sure those who have food web sites are following you.

It amazes me at the number of people using social media who are not interacting with potential customers. Those who follow you and like you want to know they are appreciated, so speak to them. Get to know them. You will find others looking at your conversations and loving your personality so much, they cannot help but want to partake in the services or products you offer.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Promoting on Twitter has given me sales. Facebook not so much. But I have my Twitter linked to my Facebook so whatever I post on Twitter shows up there. And Vice Versa. But at this point, Facebook is killing everyone’s traffic. Only way to get any now is through hashtags if you’re promoting your Fiverr gigs.

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Reply to @nickj2013: I wouldnt post my tweets to facebook if you tweet often, that can get annoying to your facebook fans. But yes link facebook posts to twitter. Right now you can still reach some people on facebook but not everyone. I think another way to do it is to create an event for your gigs and then invite everyone to it.


Reply to @lorirenee: It is very simple lorirenee. If you can talk to people you can use twitter. Just have to use short sentences 🙂

Yes, if you want to seperate business from yourself, then by all means have a twitter profile for your business. One thing to know is do not post the same tweets on both accounts. Twitter rules do not allow for cross promoting on accounts.

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I’ve been a little bit curious about this issue. Why would you promote your gigs outside of Fiverr?

We’re paying 20% to be advertised on Fiverr.

If you have contacts outside of Fiverr, why not advertise your service directly to them? Save the 20% and don’t expose your prospects to your competition.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Reply to @best_geek: Contact twitter support and find out why they suspended your account. If you were posting a lot of links or the same thing over and over again, you can get your account suspended. When they reply apologize then re-read their terms of Use. Tell them you will make certain that you abide by all terms.


Reply to @fayestap: You dont have to pay to promote your services on other social media outlets. The opportunity to get additional links directly to your gig and reach your target market. You cannot fear competition. Embrace it and do better than them. There are millions of potential customers around the world looking for services. It is always good to use various outlets to help them find you.

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Guest designer003

It only way to post link on fiverrr gigs on social media.Helping other if anyone like your help then you can share your fiverr profile or gigs.Am i right?.

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I am not sure I understand your question. You can post your fiverr profile on your social media just do not over promote it. For example on twitter you can post and say check my profile for link or something like that. Likewise others can share your links too.

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