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is Fiverr actually a gamble game for sellers?


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Hi, I've been selling decently on fiverr with children book illustrator gig for a year.
Now, almost two months my gig was missing. Yes it's active by system whenever I check it, but I can't even find it even until page 20, it's unsellable. It's usually found in "children book illustration" (which has the best traffic and it's very niche), "children book", "children illustration" keyword around page 1-3.

Yes I know it's dynamic based on sellers performance, etc,etc.. But, I'm pretty sure I'm not doing anything that hurt my performance. I got all time 5 stars reviews, relatively quick response time in my category, I was make sells decently. Nothing make sense, I got beaten by a very fresh gig my friend had that only make a sells 1 or 2 orders in a month with the same category while I was make a sells constantly around 4-7 orders with $1000+ in a month. The thing is his gig can be found easily on page 2-4, while my gig is missing to unknown planet since that time, what a joke.

Somehow I got Fiverr Choice privilliege a week ago, and I took as much order as I can like 10 orders of a book at one time. Because I absolutely know after the privilliege is gone, I'll continue suffers as my gig can't be found anywhere normally, you can try it yourself by search it on "children book illustration". How can you sell your services if the buyer can't even find your gig in your own niche and category. Promoted gig doesn't help me get an order for my niche. Most of them not ordering a book, they even ordering something that unrelated to my gig. I don't know how this actually works, it seems targeting a very general category, not even a niche.

is Fiverr actually a gamble game? "You grind and sells decently, but at one point your gig will be gone".

Anyone have the same issue? Any actual solutions? Even I tried to complete these "Fiverr choice" round of orders, the gig still missing.



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2 hours ago, the_ople said:

is Fiverr actually a gamble game? "You grind and sells decently, but at one point your gig will be gone".

Risk is part of any business. Great sellers (in any business) learn how to ride the constant waves of change, and find ways to overcome the setbacks.

Regardless of search success, your gigs are never "gone". They can always be found on your Fiverr profile. Nothing is stopping you from bringing in your own found customers, and encouraging them to hire you, here, on your Fiverr gigs.

Learning now to be nimble and savvy is part of being in business.

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A very similar thing happened to me. From having  10-25 orders a month a making a decent income I practically came to 1-2 per month for the last 3 months. And those were returning customers, because it seems no one new can find me. My gigs are not something you need a subscription on and people need it maybe few times a year (tops).

I have a 5.0 stars rating and response time of 1 hour. I was late with a delivery once last year when I still didn't understand how the delivery works.

For some reason when I search for my gigs they are not in search results! I mean there are teenagers with no orders who probably made a gig as a joke in the results before me. 

I have written to Fiverr but they say that they can't disclose the reasons this happened. :-/

Unfortunately I can't help you, but wanted to share. I thought maybe it will pass but now I don't know what to do anymore. I am thinking of completely giving up on Fiverr because what's the point of being here if I can't get any work.

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