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Fiverr Forum Hidden Tricks ...not


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I mean, I've had my inklings based on the videos I've found in English - but... this is just sad. 

It's hard for me to blame the clueless new 'sellers' who come to Fiverr with the promise of gurus like this. It's a scam that's only obvious to people who get why these tips don't work - I remember when I first started on Fiverr...was incredibly clueless about the whole thing. Only thing that made me different from these newbies was my English. 

Still, something has to be done. 


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Hidden tricks...

How about, if a person's post contains fewer than 20 characters (like in the old forum), the post is automatically hidden and and counts double against a newcomer's post limit? And that old "your post is similar to your last post" limitation? I know it wouldn't solve much of anything, but as long as we're talking hidden mechanics...

Actually, maybe not post limits, but newcomers cannot earn points for the first two or three months once the forum is joined? Remove the reward for negative behavior. Reinforcement theory, extinction. That would permit the people who need help to elaborate as needed.


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8 hours ago, katakatica said:

It's hard for me to blame the clueless new 'sellers' who come to Fiverr with the promise of gurus like this.

I agree. However, every individual needs to account for their own actions.

I've likened these spammers' behavior to those of a child. With kids, we can either a) tell them how to behave correctly and admonish them if they don't comply - or b) we can all be very happy clappy & liberal and let them do what the heck they want. No one is an expert in parenting of course, but taking the latter approach usually results in anarchy - which is effectively what's happening here. 

Plus, as I've mentioned elsewhere, whilst we're all commenting on this (negative) thread & others like it, we're not focusing our efforts on exchanging constructive ideas, helping each other to succeed or, using our input to make this forum a valuable resource for everyone. Surely, that is what a business minded forum is all about?   

Edited by fiveroptic1
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8 hours ago, fiveroptic1 said:

we're not focusing our efforts on exchanging constructive ideas, helping each other to succeed or, using our input to make this forum a valuable resource for everyone

After years many of us gave up. 
I even created a topic to management asking about forum objectives so we all can work towards their/our goal. 
Guess what? It’s being ignored. And I did bring up that question a couple of times. 
So it’s only natural that we start questioning that if “the head of the fish” doesn’t care why should we? 

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15 hours ago, fiveroptic1 said:

we're not focusing our efforts on exchanging constructive ideas, helping each other to succeed or, using our input to make this forum a valuable resource for everyone.

Ohhhhh, but there were plenty of times where we really helped newbies out, and I think a good number of us still do.
The thing is though, at least for me, I get pretty picky. 😅

If I see a post that says "I have no sales help me," I will at least go check their gig out. It takes usually less than 10 seconds for me to tell whether the seller put in a decent amount of effort in creating that gig or not. I know this is going to sound mean, but I'd say 99.99% of the time even if I did leave helpful comments, those sellers won't bother listening because the advice I give is too much work. After that happens several hundred times, you start ignoring them most of the time.
Every now and then I will come across a new seller who actually has skills and is still trying to look for a way to improve.
Sellers like that usually take their time explaining their situation rather than just saying help me I have no sales. When I go check their gigs, they look
pretty decent already, and just needed a little bit of tweaking. And guess what, those new types of sellers tend to get a lot of actual helpful comments, and
they will go ahead and make those changes.

Sad thing is though, I'm seeing fewer of those new sellers with potential. I think they are being drowned in the Spam Sea.

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@zeus777, I agree - I will still help if I can, but I don't go as far to check out the gigs, that's far too much work to waste my time on, so you have my full admiration!! 😃 Plus, I'm not going to give a spammer the satisfaction of getting the click. Besides, we can all tell the 'real' requests for help at a moments glance, as opposed to the spam. Problem is, new members who do actually want help, may well look at the forum - 'think what a mess' and leave - that's the effect Spammers have.     

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I very nearly quit. For months I've only visited the "Questions" category, because I can upvote the actual answers and (near-quote) "downvote the spam into oblivion". (Thank you so much @melanielm for that phrase!)

I'm only perusing a few more of the forum categories (FAQ, Feedback, a bit of reporting in both the "Tips") now more because I carpool and get to work nearly an hour early, and I'm literally here to stave off boredom. (Yes, I could do something more productive, but I get distracted easy and I would rather not risk clocking in late.)

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  • 5 months later...
Guest lloydsolutions
3 hours ago, alamin__hassan said:

Grand Master 🙏

As I’ve said in the past, and I will continue to say: Your participation here in the forum DOES NOT affect your Fiverr seller Gigs, sales, or rankings in anyway. 

The above is from the topic below:


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Secrets Revealed - Grand Master Rank


I love to read even old newspaper too.

I love to discuss, share knowledge, reply others.

I love to react.


The most precious Rank in Fiverr forum is Grand Master.

Grand Masters never share any information about the secrets revealed to them with this rank.

They never shared how they are getting benefits because of this rank.

Even if a grand master about to share, another one don't let it be! How rude! How cruel! 😁

On 12/6/2021 at 3:25 PM, theratypist said:

You will be cooolllll and know alll the forum secret$

On 12/6/2021 at 4:12 PM, vickiespencer said:

Shhh 🤫 that is a secret 🤐!

When I came to the forum, I activated my nature written above.

Fiverr Forum is amazing and intelligent. Forum could read my thoughts and nature and promoted me to the grand master from the veteran once I completed all the ranks and required points for grand master!!

I was feeling like wow! I'm grand master now. All the secrets going to reveal to me, I'll be benefited.

I can dream what they could be, so I just went to bed for a tight sleep and dream.


In my dream, all the secrets revealed. I learnt about the benefits of grand master rank. And I'm going reveal it to everyone.

  • You will be excited for couple of seconds, minutes or maximum hours. You will be in your dream for this certain time. You will be flying to the sky, sky so high, high to, hey man wake up. Then you will feel something special to announce publicly and to your wall about your achievement!



Single Status Update from 10/12/2021 by jonbaas - Fiverr Community

  • You will be thrown to the sky with praises by people. And you will be keep through for a certain time. You will be keep flying. When you will be flying, you could see a group of people dancing, singing for your achievement.

Single Status Update from 07/15/2021 by mariashtelle1 - Fiverr Community

On 10/17/2021 at 8:31 PM, visualstudios said:


On 10/17/2021 at 9:34 PM, theratypist said:



Let us all dance the conga rats!


On 10/17/2021 at 4:56 PM, newsmike said:

Fiber totem smiles on you and your giges, may you rank and may you go more ahead.

Conga Rats


Okay dream is over. Let's get back to work. Activity in forum never give a benefit of getting a good rank in fiverr gig search result system. It will not help you in any way except only knowledges.

For me, I'm benefited by being free from people's doubt that why I read old topics, react in specific posts and reply there.

I became grand master in march 19. And I just remembered that as a grand master, as a friendly person, I should reveal all the secrets of being a grand master.

Special thanks to @vickiespencer @jonbaas @newsmike @mariashtelle1 @theratypist @smashradio @maitasun @visualstudios @surajkartha @frank_d and to all grand masters and members who is supporting all forum members actively.

Have fun, invite others to down their gun! 

Edited by seven_sign
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  • Zahid I. changed the title to Secrets Revealed - Grand Master Rank

Thank you for not being rude and cruel and sharing all those top secret secrets about the precious rank of Grand Master! 

I'll apply your great tips, which are ... let me read once more ... hey, wait, that means I get to go to bed, sleep, dream, and fly?! I'm in. 


To be honest... while I don't care about "praises by people", or the "group of people dancing, singing for your achievement" part that much... I'm so super envious of this badge, because, let's face it, the colours of my current badge clash with my current forum profile image and make me look pale. 👻


Yes, and Conga Rats, of course!

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1 hour ago, donnovan86 said:

Hey, you forgot me!!!!

By mistake i pressed ctrl+Enter while trying to give a line break and it was posted. then I tried to add as many as possible by searching, within the editing time.
I feel sad to forgot your username 😬 May you were playing in washroom while I was dreaming and enjoying the party 🙄

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Nice. Congrats!

I'm not too far away myself. I'm looking forward to the gift basket Fiverr sends all of its Grand Masters. I've been told the Scottish salmon and truffle oil are on point this year. And of course I'm excited about finding out the exact amount of time you need to be active each day to rank on the first page. Rumour has it it's 22 hours, 14 minutes and 11 seconds, but I'll soon know for sure.

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I've never encountered the post limit in this new forum. (In the old forum, flags were considered posts, and I would occasionally run out due to flagging.) 

But I also seldom post for the sake of posting. If I write something, I do my best to be either meaningful, thoughtful, helpful, and/or contributive. 

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10 hours ago, imagination7413 said:

I've never encountered the post limit in this new forum. (In the old forum, flags were considered posts, and I would occasionally run out due to flagging.) 

But I also seldom post for the sake of posting. If I write something, I do my best to be either meaningful, thoughtful, helpful, and/or contributive. 

I mean topic/post (post/comment), I can't make more than 10 per day!

Aren't you facing this issue? @vickiespencer @imagination7413 ??

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11 hours ago, seven_sign said:

think for grand masters post limit should be waved. What do you think?

This badges are pure gamification. Your post limit depends not on your badge but on your reputation score on the forum. The higher your reputation score the less restrictions you have. 
That’s the protections from those spammers that get to grand master badge by just spamming and liking all posts 

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