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How New Sellers Can GET Orders


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  1. Edit your profile like as a professional seller done.
  2. Create your Gig SEO friendly.   So that buyer can search your gig easily.
  3. Upload an attractive Gig image.   You can visit professional sellers gig for idea.
  4. Wrote your Gig description clearly... So that a buyer can understand what type of service you will provide him.
  5. Start your Gig price with 5$. 
  6. Sent 10 buyer request properly, Everyday.

Most important for a new seller...  Try to active online as much as possible.

Hope if you maintain this process.. You will get order soon.

3 hours ago, mohammad_arifur said:

Most important for a new seller...  Try to active online as much as possible.

No, no, and NO! Sellers do NOT have to be online in order to get orders. Please stop posting this as advice. It is false, and not how Fiverr works.


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