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Customers on Fiverr
Question: Does Automatically Completed Orders Affect Seller Profiles?
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Question: soy nueva y quiero consejos para la aprobacion de mi cuenta
By elidegoliath, in Questions
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Question: Do Fiverr Send us email for confirm the order?
By sanjaykyadav51, in Starter Questions
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Hi, I have a question about customers, or some potential customers. If I simply contact a customer who bought from my competitor and left him a review, and I talk to him about a more advantageous offer from me and what he can receive in addition from me compared to the competitor, can I be sanctioned? I would like to read these rules somewhere but I can't find them, in fact I didn't search too much either. However, I would like to ask you directly, if possible or to be sanctioned, if I simply ask questions, if he is interested in my offer, my gig, anyone on the fiverr platform. You understand my idea, I'm waiting for an answer, thank you !!
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