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Freelance developers, what tools you always wished existed to help you with your work?


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Just wondering if you ever found yourself wishing for a certain tool to help you with your day-to-day work as a freelancer? For example, I always find myself wasting way too much time on administrative tasks like finding new clients across multiple websites. I wish there was a job aggregator that lets me browse through jobs from Fiverr and other websites in a single dashboard, so I could be more efficient. 

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6 hours ago, ceuxlmaltnqwxwb said:

I wish there was a job aggregator that lets me browse through jobs from Fiverr and other websites in a single dashboard, so I could be more efficient. 

Unfortunately, that's not how Fiverr works. The closest thing to this, would be the Buyer Request section, but even there, competition is severe, and you are unlikely to win many orders without established gig success to start with.

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