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Top 2 reasons why you don't have orders! πŸ’”


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21 minutes ago, timothykoen said:

When I am a buyer I definitely pay attention to the 'YouTube gurus' because video is the best way for me to learn and that is where the most information is. I'll be sure to filter that info as well.

Very questionable. Those people just make money on your views on YouTube. 95% of those don’t care what kind of advice they give and if it really works, it’s just a click bait.Β 

21 minutes ago, timothykoen said:

This persons profile (forum) does suck, so she can't be an expert on a strong profile. So why should I believe this post?

Wawawewa. The only thing I’ll say here is that as a buyer she doesn’t need to have a strong profile. She is buying not selling and she doesn’t need to attract anyone.Β 

21 minutes ago, timothykoen said:

As a new seller I don't want a list of advice that tells me not to do, what the platform operators are telling me to do

And we all know that’s not how real life works. If someone’s gives 3-10 bullet points on how to achieve something that most likely will be completely useless.Β 
Will you really believe a person in a random forum that give 10 bullet points on how Jeff Bezos built Amazon and that if you’ll follow them you will build another Amazon? Even if that would’ve been coming from Jeff Bezos himself I doubt that anyone else would’ve built anything g successful with 10 bullet points.Β 
On what to do there is fiverr help page. And all they say that impressions ranking etc depends on your performance. All this stay online etc is not listed by any official fiverr source. So whom do you want to believe? Sellers on the forum that don’t have sales? Your own guess of how you think things should work? Or official fiverr source? πŸ€·β€β™€οΈΒ 



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24 minutes ago, vickiespencer said:

I could comment, but I will be nice instead. It is obvious you do not know @gina_riley2 as we do. And speaking of profiles that suck ... I will be nice there too.

Vickie, thanks for being nice. Feel free to blast my profile. I deserve it. And it is true I don't know gina_riley2, and not she I. My apologizes to her. But please don't post any more unsubstantiated rhetoric. People like me might believe it. By the way you have a very nice profile. Reminds me I should update mine. Thanks for the valuable tips.


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1 hour ago, timothykoen said:

3. When I am a buyer I definitely pay attention to the 'YouTube gurus' because video is the best way for me to learn and that is where the most information is. I'll be sure to filter that info as well.

😬 The self proclaimed "gurus" are out for only one thing. Views. They are a massive source of misinformation or outright terrible advice for online freelancers, but unfortunately, a throng of new and desperate sellers heed their words religiously...

1 hour ago, timothykoen said:

5.Β This persons profile (forum) does suck, so she can't be an expert on a strong profile. So why should I believe this post?

What does ones forum profile have to do with their seller account profile? πŸ˜• Many sellers do not even have a forum profile or just have a basic bare bones profile and don't put any extra effort into it because it is irrelevant to ones main account.

1 hour ago, timothykoen said:

6. When I get ready to buy something I would prefer another Fiverr forum contributor. Because that is likely place to find the best sellers that already connects me with a great communications platform., Fiverr.

MOST sellers are not active on the forum. Most Level Two, TRS, and Pro rated sellers are not active on the forum. A plethora of new desperate sellers who heed terrible advice that forum activity = seller profile visibility, and seemingly only a smattering of helpful souls and masochists are consistent forum contributors these days what with the terrible state the forum is in.

For someone relatively new to the platform and the forum, it seems the impression you are leaving on a number of "forum regulars" is not one of positivity. I'll just leave by saying:



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18 hours ago, gina_riley2 said:

Already have recognition on this forum. I didn't post to get anything. πŸ™‚

I must have hit a nerve, 'cause you spent a great deal of time replying. 😁

Lastly, thank you for your valuable information. πŸ’•!

Cheers, G.

Gina, nice to meet you. I apologize if I offended you. I updated my profile. So I guess you are right after all.


P.S. thank you all for the valuable information. I am not delusional just old and tired. I'll stop now.

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57 minutes ago, timothykoen said:

I am not delusional just old and tired.

You are a spring chicken compared to my age.

58 minutes ago, timothykoen said:

Gina, nice to meet you. I apologize if I offended you.

Thank you for apologizing to Gina. As I said she is a long-term respected Fiverr Forum member who it appears is seeing more profiles that 'suck' these days. And she should know, because of the quantity of buying she does not only on Fiverr, but on other freelance platforms.Β 

2 hours ago, timothykoen said:

But please don't post any more unsubstantiated rhetoric.

I do not know what unsubstantiated rhetoric you are referring too. In this thread other than defending @gina_riley2 I have only explained my experience with staying online less than around the clock.

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57 minutes ago, timothykoen said:

Gina, nice to meet you. I apologize if I offended you. I updated my profile. So I guess you are right after all.


P.S. thank you all for the valuable information. I am not delusional just old and tired. I'll stop now.

Not sure what my forum profile has anything to do with 5r profile.

What's with the personal attacks against me?

Do you have any idea how many times I've been scammed on 5r? It cost me greatly to learn to find that one professional seller.

Most people complaining of not getting orders have either plagiarized profile/gig or awful gig pages full of grammar errors. It looks unprofessional and deters clients.

Plagiarism is a problem here. Experienced seller are constantly turning in unscrupulous, no talent sellers, for copying their gigs - word for word to customer support.

Some sellers are so lazy, when they give me stolen pictures or logos, they get it from the 1st page of Google search. I've gotten stolen articles too. I've ordered from these people cause they had a decent profile.

My point is, even if you are a thief, who steals other people's work - you still get orders with a good profile, until you are turned in.

No matter how good you think you are, if your profile sucks, you will not get orders.

Sorry you were so offended by my article. Before calling me a spammer, take a look at the other post. Scrolling to read a 1000 thank yous get annoying after a while.

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On 9/29/2021 at 9:49 PM, gina_riley2 said:

Why am I not getting orders? πŸ˜”

1. Because your profile sucks.

2. See #1.

That's it, plain & simple. πŸ’•


The following won't help:

* Staying online

* Buyer's request

* Posting/crying/begging on forum


There are over 100 posts with tips on good profile and gigs from experienced sellers. Ignore the YouTube gurus ('cause it's crap) and the new sellers posting on this forumΒ  to get recognized.


1.Β  Seller complaining on forum: "My English isn't good!"

Buyer's interpretation: "I have a weakness and I'm too lazy to do anything about it so I'm just going to whine on the forum about how unfair life is to me."

2. Seller: "I've sent over 100 Buyer's Request & still no orders."

Buyer's interpretation: "I send canned responses without reading and my profile is so bad no one wants to buy from me. I'm just gonna complain on the forum about what a bad seller I am."

3. Seller posting on forum: "Thank you for your valuable tips."

Buyer's interpretation: "πŸ™„ If you buy from me I'll have endless access to your inbox, therefore, I will spam you with multiple request for reviews, gratuity and more work.πŸ˜‘"







I do not feel totally in agreement with you because I think that for expert users (Level 2 and Top Sellers), the gig rotation and the Fiverr algorithm have more effect than the presence of inaccurate profiles. Indeed, I feel that due to gig rotation, countless inaccurate profiles benefit from it. I want to explain myself better. I am a level 2 salesperson with 400+ positive reviews in the business planning segment. After 9 golden months of receiving an average of 2 orders a day, I find my gig at the bottom of the list despite not having received negative reviews or cancellations. I constantly see profiles with 5-6 reviews and 4.5 / 4.7 on the first and second page, which sometimes destabilizes me. I want to clarify that I improve my page, looking for the best keywords through the tools of my seller plus page, and I constantly promote my services on social networks, but the gig rotation completely ignores these operations.

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1 hour ago, gina_riley2 said:

Plagiarism is a problem here. Experienced seller are constantly turning in unscrupulous, no talent sellers, for copying their gigs - word for word to customer support.

My point is, even if you are a thief, who steals other people's work - you still get orders with a good profile, until you are turned in.

This is so true, Gina! I'm a living example of it.

In less than 15 days, I reported two level 2 sellers, and got their gigs deleted, for stealing the entire description, word for word, of both my forex translation gig and my children's-book translation gig.

@vickiespencerΒ can vouch for what I'm saying.

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12 hours ago, maitasun said:

In less than 15 days, I reported two level 2 sellers, and got their gigs deleted,

I tried reporting a thief 5 months ago, CS did nothing so I gave up and stopped. I think I tried again 2 months ago (with proof), again nothing. So I gave up again.Β 
Just the other day I came across her gig, looks like she has been successful with scamming people and is now a level 2 seller. Gosh I hope she someone reports her and she gets her account deleted, but @maitasunΒ , what kind of magic did you use to get this thief's gig deleted right away?? I've been trying for months just to get rid of ONE thief!Β πŸ˜…

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This is what I wanted to see in this post.


Hope this helps

On 9/30/2021 at 8:07 PM, fiveroptic1 said:

Really, that's news to me?? Plus, if it is true, then judging by the p**s poor English that I receive in my inbox sometimes, it's not working very well!Β πŸ˜ƒ

Here is excerpt from Fiverr's TOS. (Second last paragraph from the bottom)



Machine Translation
Certain user-generated content on the Site has been translated for your convenience using translation software powered by Amazon Translate. Reasonable efforts have been made to provide an accurate translation, however, no automated translation is perfect nor is it intended to replace human translators. Such translations are provided as a service to users of the Site, and are provided "as is". No warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, is made as to the accuracy, reliability, or correctness of such translations made from English into any other language. Some user-generated content (such as images, videos, Flash, etc.) may not be accurately translated or translated at all due to the limitations of the translation software.

The official text is the English version of the Site. Any discrepancies or differences created in the translation are not binding and have no legal effect for compliance or enforcement purposes. If any questions arise related to the accuracy of the information contained in the translated content, please refer to the English version of the content which is the official version.


I'm a native English speaker in fact it is my only language. Thanks to Amazon Translate, now we can all communicate with each other in (so-called) English. Note that English is the most confusing language of them all. Its interpretation varies from place to place and time to time. Bad English to you or me might be perfect for the speaker. When translation occurs people construct language in their native culture's fashion and translate that to English, which is location and time sensitive. That means we can all blame Amazon Translate for everyone p**s poor English. Does that make sense?


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I do not agree withΒ 

The following won't help:

* Staying online

because if you stay online your gig have higher Impression because a lots of people search with Online Seller and there the gig displays more better then normal so your chance of getting click is higher.

You may say that using auto refresher is useless as fiverr system knows that this is automated.

thank you

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19 minutes ago, social_breeze said:

because if you stay online your gig have higher Impression because a lots of people search with Online

Β No. Please stop repeating it. Staying online has nothing to do with your impressions. Impressions is the amount of time fiverr showed you to potential clients. And how often fiverr shows you depends on your performance. If you have horrible performance but staying online fiverr still will show you at the last pages even with filter.Β 

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10 hours ago, zeus777 said:

Just the other day I came across her gig, looks like she has been successful with scamming people and is now a level 2 seller. Gosh I hope she someone reports her and she gets her account deleted, but @maitasunΒ , what kind of magic did you use to get this thief's gig deleted right away?? I've been trying for months just to get rid of ONE thief!Β πŸ˜…

With the forex gig, it just took flagging his gig, describing the offense.

Now, the children's book gig took a little bit more effort, since flagging her gig wasn't enough and she had 775 reviews.Β πŸ˜’Β Imagine that, Zeus, a seller with almost 800 reviews stealing a gig description from me, who only has 66 reviews... πŸ™„πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈπŸ˜‘

Perhaps those in charge of reviewing flagged gigs were too busy? I don't know, could be... πŸ€·β€β™€οΈΒ 

The thing is that I had to place a ticket. I told CS she stole my entire description and was hoping to see that her deleted. No sugaring! (Credits to @newsmikeΒ who encouraged me, here in the forum, to spell the words as they are. πŸ™‡β€β™€οΈ)

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On 9/29/2021 at 10:49 PM, gina_riley2 said:

1.Β  Seller complaining on forum: "My English isn't good!"

Buyer's interpretation: "I have a weakness and I'm too lazy to do anything about it so I'm just going to whine on the forum about how unfair life is to me."

I have recently received a review pointing out that I'm fluent in English. While it's a nice thing to hear, it highlights a huge problem with the platform as a whole. It shows that on fiverr the sellers' ability to properly communicate with the client about the project is almost like a bonus. πŸ€·β€β™‚οΈ

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On 9/30/2021 at 4:54 AM, vickiespencer said:

What part was effective

Hey @vickiespencer,Β this comment sounds so funny. This reminded me one of the infamous quotations of my high school days, "If you can't explain a goat, tie the goat with a tree and start explaining that!"

I find Maximum comments in a discussion thread like this.

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Guest jayjayros
6 hours ago, mariashtelle1 said:

Β No. Please stop repeating it. Staying online has nothing to do with your impressions. Impressions is the amount of time fiverr showed you to potential clients. And how often fiverr shows you depends on your performance. If you have horrible performance but staying online fiverr still will show you at the last pages even with filter.Β 

Ufff. That makes no sense at all.

An impression is the amount of views your gig had. If you have an impression means that you gig was seen one time. If you have 1000 impressions means your gig was seen 1000 times.

How often Fiverr shows your gig depends of a lot of factors. How well you did the development of your gig (the tags you place at your gig when you are creating it, if you choose the right category, if you choose the right title, if you did an eye-catchy cover, etc), the performance of your profile and gig (response time, cancelled orders), if you are ONLINE or OFFLINE.

Why? When you are searching a gig, you can select to show only "ONLINE SELLERS". If you're not online, you're not going to appear in the search results. You can delimit your search also by show only "Pro Services".

Of course if your performance is terrible, you won't appear in the search result even if you're online 24/7. But don't lie to people saying that staying online has nothing to do with impressions. It's one of the important factors to rank higher in the search results.

Many of this things are even explained in the introductory course every seller get when they join Fiverr, but I imagine not too many people take such a basic course.

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Guest jayjayros
6 hours ago, vickiespencer said:

Maybe you followed the wrong ones? πŸ€”

Maybe I've followed the wrong tips.

That's what happens when you arrive at a place to get tips and the tips says:
"1) Your profile sucks, 2) Read 1".

This whole thread contains zero knowledge for real sellers that are taking this seriously.
I understand OP wanted to complain for those "please help me get orders, no impressions, halp", posts, but people will search for "reasons why you don't have orders" on Fiverr and Google, and will find a user making fun of people who's trying to make a living.

Not everybody in this forum is a "pleace halp me get impreession" user, yet, at least two users in this thread are not making any other thing but making fun of everybody.

So, yes, maybe I've followed the wrong tips.

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52 minutes ago, jayjayros said:

Not everybody in this forum is a "pleace halp me get impreession" user,

When you have been active on the Fiverr forum as long as I have it seems like most sellers who post do this kind of post; ⬇️

52 minutes ago, jayjayros said:

"please help me get orders, no impressions, halp", posts,

On top of that, many of the Forum regulars have repeatedly given of our time and knowledge and users here merely ignore us. I know, because just today I checked on 4 of those I have offered advice to in the past and their gigs have not changed at all. Therefore, they continue to have little or no sales. I know of what I am speaking when I give advice. I use my own experience, that which I have learned from the Forum and from attending many Fiverr webinars only offered to Seller Plus members.Β 

@mariashtelle1 offered you some sound advice in that you offer services in so many niches, it may look to a prospective buyer like you are merely dabbling in a lot of areas and are not an expert in any of them.

That being said I did go look at you gigs. I have some good advice to give you, but only if you will not pasha me like you did @mariashtelle1.Β 

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