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A buyer is requesting for $5 gig when my service is $20






A buyer is requesting that I do a basic job for him for $5, but my gig is $20 for a basic package. Is it against Fiverr Terms & Conditions if I gave him a custom order of $5?
Would there any consequence? 

12 answers to this question

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6 hours ago, brandcore30 said:

Will it affect my gig ranking if I accept?

No it will not. You are allowed to sell your services at any price. 
However as we advices you you should be careful with people that try to reduce your price by 4 times. 
If you are ok doing the work for 5$ then it’s ok, but usually those clients are the most problematic ones. 


If someone asks something for just 5-$10 which actually deserves $50 or more, then my suggestion is not to get the order. It will harm the reputation of you and your country as. well.

12 hours ago, brandcore30 said:

Is it against Fiverr Terms & Conditions if I gave him a custom order of $5?


12 hours ago, brandcore30 said:

Would there any consequence? 

Other than you working for peanuts and possibly being treated like a doormat (those who ask for such discounts are rarely grateful if they get them, they are more likely to be pushy and overdemanding and turn the whole experience into a nightmare), no.

12 hours ago, brandcore30 said:

Buyer said he can only afford $5 at the moment.

Those who ask for such discounts always come up with an excuse...the question is, if they can only afford $5, why are they contacting you? Why didn't they go straight to a seller who offers that kind of service for $5?

12 hours ago, brandcore30 said:

Will it affect my gig ranking if I accept?

No. It might affect your sense of self-worth, but it's unlikely to affect your gig ranking.

15 hours ago, brandcore30 said:



A buyer is requesting that I do a basic job for him for $5, but my gig is $20 for a basic package. Is it against Fiverr Terms & Conditions if I gave him a custom order of $5?
Would there any consequence? 

No. You are free to offer any price you want in a custom offer. But you shouldn't. I assume you've set your minimum rate for a reason? So why would you work for less? I offer voice-overs. It doesn't matter if a buyer wants 1 word or 150 words: my minimum rate is 20 + commercial rights. I'm not getting off my ass for less. 

8 hours ago, digitalkarmaa said:

i am new 

if you are new then you can gamble and take up the job, consider the job as internship to add on your fiverr resume, if by any chance the client rates you it will help you sail on fiverr . don't forget to consider the effort and time you will put for the job if its a job that will only take you one hour or two and its not demanding then you can, if the job its too demanding then don't. I once gave a client a 50% discount I did the job so well and client ended up tipping me and ordered from me 3 more times.


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