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24 Hours Active on Fiverr !! why ?



9 answers to this question

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I get most of my orders while I'm asleep.  Buyers aren't stupid - they know there's a time difference.

If you stay active all the time, you won't have the focus to do a good job - you'll be too tired. 

I have a fiverr tab open while I'm awake - and turn everything off at night. 

Your time here on the forum, @rabiulrand @rm-sabbir , would be better spent *reading*, rather than giving inaccurate advice.  Posting here does nothing for your gig rank or sales.  Reading good advice from experienced, successful sellers will help a great deal more.


Staying online 24 hours is the most stupid advice ever - it will give you nothing but a health problems. Or if you will you any tools for this, you will loose your Fiverr account.


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