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fiver gig rank loss


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i am clothing sewing pattern maker and tech pack designer. my gig lose rank. now i don't find any new buyer message and order. please help me some give  some tips 




If your gig is loosing its rank, try to advertise on social media to get some traffic. You can apply on buyer request to maybe get a new order (navigate to fiverr.com ; then click "Switch to Selling" ; after that in the middle on the top you can see "More" and then "Buyer Requests", click that ; now you can see buyer request from different users - If you don't see any, wait some time and refresh your browser and then apply to maybe get a new customer). 


its normal but don't be hopeless , just wait 5-7 days and observe your impression  if its gonna down then do some optimized and send buyer request try to take order from prev. buyers .

do for impression

  • promote gig on social media 
  • give discount 
  • try to take order from prev buyer
  • try to send buyer req.

best of luck


It's really frustrating to loose the rank of the gig. I know how it feels. You can take some actions like sharing your gig with your proper service description on linked In and twitter. These two are great platform to find buyers. Also, you can send offers to the buyer requests and try to leave good messages to your previous buyers like: Do they need any help on their past orders or If they want they can start new projects with you by letting them to know that you are available to take new projects with discounts as they are your past buyers e.t.c. 

Guest lloydsolutions
On 9/10/2021 at 6:03 PM, mahedi8736 said:

please help me some give  some tips 


On 9/10/2021 at 6:55 PM, social_jubyir said:

Thank you For your Advices 🙂

@social_jubyirUse the emoji if you like something.

Making new posts instead is spamming the forum.


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