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Fiverr + Ironhack = A Match Made in Career Heaven


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Fiverr and Ironhack are teaming up to offer scholarships to help you upgrade your tech career with intensive classes in Web Development, Data Analytics and UX/UI Design. Scholarships range from $1,000-$6,000 towards your tuition.607033552_Header-Image-1@2x.thumb.png.0937d14a531aabd325561d7e280d4f98.png

We are are awarding partial scholarships for Ironhack's award-winning Web Developer, UX/UI Design, and Data Analytics courses. The bootcamp model is an accelerated learning program designed to help you level up your tech career. Ironhack will provide the immersive hands on learning curriculum, coaching, and support.

For all the information and to submit your application for the scholarship please check out the landing page

Deadline to apply is September 4th. 

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