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Force setting the Commercial Use flag on or off at gig creation


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I'm NOT saying "make people offer it." If a seller wants it to globally be declined on their gigs, they should be allowed to do so. But, it should be in the gig tiers panel.

I noticed someone putting in a lot more work than I was expecting for the price, and it confused me, so I checked back on the gig, and now I see the "for personal use only" buried in the gig text. I've started rolling back through other orders and am finding maybe 1 in 10 of the sellers I've used don't set it as a flag or an extra.

Like, it's fine if Commercial Use is opt-in-only for sellers. Anyone who doesn't expressly say "this is commercial use", turn it all off; and then show that Off flag in the gig descriptions. This thing where the ToS says "if they don't clearly call it out, ownership goes to the buyer" becomes muddy when there's multiple ways to call it in or out; by text or by tag. It leaves room for contradictions.



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While auditing my previous orders, I also found one seller stating No Commercial Use in the FAQ section, so there's three different places to check to determine Commercial Use availability.

I also found a couple sellers with stipulations to their Commerical Use offering, so maybe the tag should be adjusted to some kind of Yes, No, and Partial.

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