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Finally after ranting since about 2009, my husband sees my Freelancing as a career!


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We have all been there, writing online for payperview or Adsense revenue. We’ve all written for sites that have folded or not paid and that is part of the learning curve for writers who try to make a living online. For quite a lot of us at any rate!

My husband is not technically minded, nor is he interesting in the world of literature of any kind, he is happier working with his hands, outdoors. With that in mind, I understand that he did not take my career move to work online as he could not understand what I was explaining about passive income.

Now that I have started working on Fiverr and he can see a solid pay per gig, he is so supportive, finally! He accepts when I say I am working, keeps the children out of my way whilst I concentrate and has not complained about taking over chores like cooking Dinner.

This is what we needed to become a team and I am so grateful to Fiverr for that. Finally, after all these years I can hold my head up and say what my heart would not let me; " I am a self employed, Freelance writer!".

I’ve read many stories and forum posts and this is far more common than it should be. So I wanted to post this as encouragement really. No one will believe in you until you believe in yourself, so when you explain what you do online, say it with confidence!

Have you ever experienced similar?


At some point in life we’ve all shared a similar experience. However I must congratulate you for your perseverance in your chosen field and in your husband’s decision to support your efforts. Best of luck on this platform and I trust with your dedication and commitment you will undoubtedly experience the success so many of our members continue to enjoy.

Warm Regards,

Craig Scott

Guest celticmoon

Well said, Emma! And I’m glad to hear the other half realized the importance of your work, and supports it. Of course, he’d be crazy not to do everything possible to help generate income, especially with kids in the picture! ~lol~ I’ve been a single mom since my son was 3 (he’s an adult now), but I remember well all the times as I slogged from one job to another (I worked as many as 5 at a time…talk about scheduling issues!) that I thought, “I need a wife.” Sounds sexist, I know, but really what I meant was, I need a chauffer, a cook, a housekeeper, a grounds man, an auto mechanic, plumber and someone to shop, cart the kid around and maybe give me a back rub now and then~

Best wishes to you & your family~!


Reply to @celticmoon: Great post, Celtic

I’m “stuck” working late (3am my timezone) and needed the laughs.

Great lines like…

“I need a wife” (spoken by a female) 😃


"…and maybe give me a back rub now and then" 🙂


"yarn-bombed my entire home" :))

(Yeah, I snuck a peek at your profile)

But I have to ask:

FIVE jobs, simultaneously!? HOW DID YOU SURVIVE???


Guest eclients

Congrats! I only joined about 2 weeks and I love it. Writing is one of my passions and I am able to do it here and make decent money doing it at the same time. I am so glad I found it.


Wow I think this is one of the posts I actually would rate as favorite.

Reading a family story is really nice!

I am so happy for you. I wish you family many happy years!

Best Of Luck,

🙂 Joe

The Creative Guys

Guest celticmoon

Reply to @regency85: Heavy drinking.

No, that’s a bald-faced lie! I liked a beer or three in the summer when I worked in the yard, but I’m an Irishwoman who doesn’t drink…go figure! The reality is that I wanted to provide a good, stable home for my son, and his dad had flown the coop. As soon as I could, I quit the three agency jobs and just worked at a hospital (for the benefits), and a pediatric office (because I loved the kids). And when my son was little, I gave him every scrap of my spare time. (That meant going something like 6 or 7 years before I finally started dating…pathetic, huh?) My evil plan worked, though, because my son and I are really good friends now! I already warned him he better visit me in the “home” or I’d beat him with my cane~

But yes, I may have gone overboard with the knitting. I think it took the cat a week to get out of his little “outfit” and the dog used to hide when the needles came out…kidding!

Sort of~



Reply to @celticmoon: >> FIVE jobs, simultaneously!? HOW DID YOU SURVIVE???

> Heavy drinking.

Budda-Boom! 🙂

> I’m an Irishwoman who doesn’t drink…

Can’t they revoke your Irish Citizenship for that?


> …and his dad had flown the coop.

Geez, sorry to hear that. But glad to hear that you “traded up” for a better model… and he now appreciates your Fiverr “Career”. 😃

> My evil plan worked…

He’s a lucky boy… to have such a devoted mom. 🙂



Reply to @regency85: Oh wait… I think I’m getting confused.

It’s either all these darn “codenames” (celticmoon, cariad)…

…or I’m such an “old fart” that “the mind is going”. 😉

Oh well, I’ll just plead the usual Hollywood Copout… and claim that I rewrote the book, combining two characters (celticmoon, cariad) for the script of the upcoming movie…!



Reply to @celticmoon: We’re not so different. I’m the other type of Celt ( Welsh). I live in England now though.

I may be married but between work and 4 kids, we kind of pass each other once in a while. That’s as romantic as it gets…for now.

The knitting thing…drives my husband insane. I have tons of it everywhere. I have wool, jewellery making equipment, tons of beads, books, card, stamps. So much craft stuff and no time to do any.



Reply to @regency85: Robert, haha, I love your humour.

Cariad is celtic but it is Welsh. It means “love” or “dear”. So “My cariad” would mean “My love” or " My Dear".

Change the script and the book as many times as you like. It saves me getting bored.


Guest celticmoon

Reply to @cariad: We must be sisters from another mother! ~lol~ I totally GET a houseful of craft stuff, and it appears we have many of the same interests~!

To be accurate, I’m of Irish descent. Most of my forebears are Irish but I’m a typical American mutt, with bits of this and that. I’ve always felt most connected to my Irishness, though, and have visited “the old country” a few times~

I’ll say ‘hello’ to you next time I go down to the beach…I’m the dot waving from the northeastern corner of the U.S.!

Guest celticmoon

Reply to @regency85: ROFLMAO

Oh, my. I understand “brain farts”! Luckily, I just use my accident as a ready excuse, throw in an embarrassed blush and I sometimes even get some sympathy!

May I suggest Charlize Theron to play me in the studio production? I’d love to say Lupita N’yong’o is more “me” but she doesn’t have my freckles~

Back to earth, and enjoying this fun,

Nancy, plain old vanilla Nancy.



“Honey!, Baby! It’s Rob… ya Agent… What? Ya don’t call me anymorrrrrr!?..”

[Yes, I worked in Hollywood… can you tell? 😉

…and I actually met guys like this.

In Hollywood, they’re called “agents”.

Outside of Hollywood, they’re called SHARKS. @-) ]

Ok, so I’m lookin’ at da Contract fo dis movie heya. It says:

Charlize Theron as Nancy Celticmoon

??? as Emma Cariad

Oh yeah - and I fohgot who’s playing opposite each of ya’s, in da Bedroom Scene:

Bedroom Scene #1, with Nancy Celticmoon being romanced by ???

Bedroom Scene #2, with Emma Cariad being romanced by ???

[Leaving earth… and enjoying this fun…]

Rob Da Agent

P.S. Fohgive me’s foh fohgetting… I’m a busy Agent… got lots of GIGS on ma mind!

[pun intended]

Guest celticmoon

Reply to @regency85: ~lol~ Well, to be honest I don’t follow the celebrity scene too closely, but I guess for American actors, I’d have to admit to having a soft spot in my heart for the rakish intelligence, tousled good looks and genuine humanitarianism of George Clooney! It would be tough, but, yeah, I guess I could do the romance scene with him…oh, wait! I’m being played by Charlize.



Charlize needs a “body double” for that particular scene - so you’re in luck. 😃

Aha! I thought you might be a Clooney-girl. Well, you’d better shoot the scene fast… he’s getting married, ya know.

Then he’ll be “off limits”. [-X

Given the “rakish intelligence” and “tousled good looks” (good description of him, by the way)…

…one can only imagine how many MILLIONS of women worldwide, will have their hearts broken the day he walks down the aisle. =((

Hmmm… maybe George should tell them all, where they can console themselves by buying a cuddly Panda/BostonTerrier/Hedgehog/PigsFly Podling… :)>-



Reply to @regency85: I have noo idea! A sassy mouthed classy lady…with tattoos, haha.

Opposite me, give me Jason Statham…I like brawn over brains in dream land, hehe.


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