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As a new seller, How can I get my first order quickly?


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The answer is if you're expecting a first order real quick, Fiverr is not the place.

You can try and attend this free course "Online Freelancing Essentials: Be A Successful Fiverr Seller", and you will learn a thing or two that can help you get your first order!



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Hello, first of all, welcome, as a tip make your service stand out, not only because of how flashy your gig is, but because as a person you really bring value to the buyers.
One of the most important things is to take care of your clients, at the beginning it is a bit complex to have buyers, but when you get buyers, take care of them a lot, show them your interest, that you do things well and that you are kind, generally if the clients feel well treated they will come back and that gives you more credibility =D

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Create 7 gigs.
Create all on different niches.
Use correct tags, add complete description and searchable keywords and title.
Send buyer request.
Keep active on fiverr as much as possible.
Share on social media.
Then you are done.

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Welcome! I've found that my first order came from a Gig that was slightly unique. It was in an area with a lot of demand and a lot of competition but I positioned my Gig differently than everyone else. I had a way to do the Gig better, more reliably, and could prove it by using the description and images.

Get to know your competition, read their descriptions, see how they price their Gigs and find ways to make yours slightly different, better, more valuable to the customer.

Best of luck!

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