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I got my life back! Thank you!


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What’s my story? Well, I’m relatively new here, but I’d like to say thanks to Fiverr for this wonderful opportunity. About 4-5 months ago I totally hit the bottom after I couldn’t find a good job, my freelance orders also was close to zero and after a nice gall bladder surgery I got an even nicer bill what I couldn’t pay. I never had any debts in my life before, and there was a glitch with my healthcare about I didn’t even know, so I got a letter about this a day before New Year’s Eve (Great Happy New Year Gift, right? The “perfect” closing for the worst year of my life.). Then someone advised Fiverr, mostly to outsource some of the jobs, graphic arts, what I usually make by myself for my books (I’m an award winning author / graphic artist / director hybrid… or something like that. 🙂 ). But then, after a few days, I rather started my own experiment to freelance with some things I love to do. My first month was very-very-very slow, I got only three orders, and one of them was cancelled, and I’ve earned only $8. Then something has happened in the next month. It was like some sort of miracle. One customer came, then another and another for my flagship Gig, Book Formatting (I have 15 Gigs in overall, but this one is the best.). Then the customers came back over and over again and ordered more and more. Sometimes less, sometimes more. And regardless of the weak start, when I’ve reached the end of my second month, I already was a Level 2 Seller.

Now, after 4 months (1 very slow and 3 very-very productive months), 158 orders, 126 5-star reviews later (100% satisfaction level), and also some dollars richer, I believe I can say for sure that I got my life back within 4 months, special thanks to Fiverr and all the wonderful customers. I’ve paid my healthcare debts back, I’ll also buy a brand new computer soon, I was even able to surprise myself with a beautiful, handforged Katana and some original and vintage Grace Kelly photos (I’m a photo collector and I’m a fan of her.). So, I believe I can say for sure that these three months were simply wonderful. So I just hope that I’ll be able to keep this winning streak in the next three months and even beyond. I’d like to travel. 🙂

I love my buyers and I love my job on Fiverr. And the best is, I can write my books parallel with it.

So, thanks a lot guys. Fiverr is simply awesome. 🙂


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