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Useful Seo Tips for Sellers!

Guest jaymsi

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Guest jaymsi

Hello my name is Jimmys and i’m an SEO expert.I’ve ranked many different websites and youtube videos fast and before i joined i use to own a website.The website was providing cheap SEO solutions to clients around the globe but unfortunately i lost all my server files and i was bored to do start it all from scratch.Then i joined this awesome site.

So enough of that let’s get started.I DON’T Do Seo for my fiverr gigs.Just to let you know i have seo design and advertising gigs available for everyone.I always provide the most competitive price and the best quality.

Now i will teach you for free some tips.

1)Use ubersuggest keyword tool for keyword research related to your niche.You can find more than 1 keyword suitable to include in your title and description but DONT overpopulate it.2-3 times in a fairly large text is more than enough!!!

2)Always rename pictures with your main keywords before uploading them.This is a very big secret that google tends to look at for ranking something high!!!

3)Tags are your friend find some relevant tags 3-5 and use them effectively!!!

4)Upload a video with high quality audio and video to attract customers or at least an HD image 1280x720p

5)Start a blogspot.Its 100% free and the key is to update it regularly.

6)Create a youtube channel and spy your competitors and use their tags and keywords!!!

7)Use a viral script for facebook that allows a user to view content if and only if they share your fiverr gig.This is called blackhat SEO.

8)Buy from my gigs (just kidding if you don’t want you DONT HAVE TO)

but i would appreciate if you tke a look at my talents and show some respect to my work.

Thanks guys for reading This HAVE A NICE DAY and EVERYTHING WILL BE FINE 😃

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The first suggestion is a nice idea, unfortunately that only shows the types of keywords to consider and their variations. You might want to gather that list and run it through somewhere and get an estimated volume of searches per keyword. It would be nice to rank for keywords, but if you’re ranking for a keyword with absolutely no traffic, there is no point in ranking for it unless you think there is a chance of emergence of value into the particular niche’ market. It’s honestly better suited by itself for PPC campaigns but could work here if enough proper research is done.

I don’t agree with the video idea. The video in a sense is irrelevant for volume sales. I see Fiverr sellers get orders in bulk on what I would consider to be horrid videos. They are important for ranking via SEO, but not so much in general. Not to say that it won’t help, but most sales are based on impulse buys based on the initial text they read. The images could help but it’s also a similar case. I agree with using the main keywords for the images, but in regards to SEO benefits via Fiverr, I am not sure if they’re even collected up by robots that do the indexing to really benefit you here on Fiverr.

Good fresh SEO content is definitely a good idea, but the quality of the content as per my experience seems quite irrelevant. I guess it depends on the nature of how you intend to use the blog whether you want to build up readership, or more so to build up valid backlinks. YT step is pretty vague, but depending on how you interpret it, it’s possible to get some valid traffic out of it. The key step with YT is volume of videos.

I… don’t recommend #7.

Yay for tips but everyone should take the time to do research and expand on these methods to get the results that they may be looking for in their particular niche’.

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