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Do I get some motivation?


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As I am new in Fiverr and didn't get any order so I am losing my hope (which I shouldn't).

You are a web designer and all your gig are based on WIX, with the wix you should try Shopify, woocommerce by improving your knowledge, coz most customers like to go with shopify and there is a good demand.


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You are a web designer and all your gig are based on WIX, with the wix you should try Shopify, woocommerce by improving your knowledge, coz most customers like to go with shopify and there is a good demand.

Actually why i have mentioned the above is, WIX is designed to the end users and most of the time it is no need any developers to start as they have demonstrated in very simple steps to start with. Also they are marketing through the Youtube advertisement and most customers already know about it. There for there is very rare chanced to get orders developing WIX websites. 

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