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I'm loosing my gig ranks and impressions since 60 days


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I'm loosing my gig ranks and impressions. Its kind of strange situations. I lost my best seller gig rankings since 60 days. its not getting up in any manner. I stay online and i sent buyer request daily as well. I try some gig edits.   I'm also getting orders from my regular buyers and getting good 5 star reviews for all my orders as well. But i'm not gaining any new buyers since i lost gig ranks. I'm level 2 seller and i have completed 415 order and 350 odd reviews as well.I wonder where things go wrong.  I do lot of dedications to build up this profile. Please share your suggestions if any one face same kind situation and over come this issue. It is grate help.

I follow many forum threads but i couldn't find any solution yet.


Thank you

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