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Suggest most essencial steps to rank a gig for a newbie seller?


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To answer all those questions, what is your skill set and what gigs are you planning to offer? Please offer gigs you are confident that you can delivery quality work in.

7 minutes ago, sharif_shaon said:

Do i need to create gig video from the very beginning?

If you're offering something related to videos then you should definitely have one. If not, a lot of people have succeeded with just a gig image.

8 minutes ago, sharif_shaon said:

Should i need to create portfolio website?

Do you create websites, do you make drawings, do you make videos? That would totally depend on the answer to the question.

8 minutes ago, sharif_shaon said:

If yes, then which site would be the best option  for create personal  portfolio?

Here is the list of the allowed URLs to be placed in your profile or gig description, taken from https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360016541618-Allowed-Links-for-Gigs :


  • ammyy.com
  • blogspot.com
  • flickr.com
  • mixcloud.com
  • reverbnation.com
  • soundcloud.com
  • spotify.com
  • teamviewer.com
  • tumblr.com
  • vimeo.com
  • wetransfer.com
  • wikipedia.org
  • youtube.com


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