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Earned $20K plus from Single Gig | Orgranic orders


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Hi everyone,

I would like to thank you Fiverr for chaning my life. It was really easy to work with people around the world with the help of Fiverr platform. One year ago, I was very worried about my job due to COVID-19 after completing my BSCS. 
It was very hard to find work from Buyer request. I did some research on Fiverr related to my skill and found some keywords with low competitions. I tried to rank my gig on the same keyword without sending any single buyer request.

Tips to rank your gig
First of all you need to find the top keyword of your skill. For example, logo design. Search this keyword on Fiverr search bar. You will find number of gigs (competition) 

Select any gigs from the first page with unique title and low feedbacks on it. Check their tags/keywords of gigs. Then, keep search them on Fiverr and you will find some keyowrds that have low competition. Please make sure to use those keywords in your gigs that have around 3-5K services available.image.png.7f8d6602f46dde6c572e4744f424c3b7.pngimage.png.a3dfbaf4fa38aed2365d94eccc26ac72.pngimage.png.a3dfbaf4fa38aed2365d94eccc26ac72.png

Once, your gig will rank on low compitetion keywords then, Fiverr search algorithm will automatically rank you on high compitetion keywords.

Please improve your gigs and keep an eye on your competitors. What they are doing unique in their gigs.
I hope this will help you to rank you gig on Fiverr.
If you still have any questions, please let me know
All the best and kind regards,

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