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Why my gig's are not getting any sales?

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Hello! Fiverr community,  I just need help! I can’t understand,  why my gigs are not getting sales yet. It's been almost 6 months since I published my first gig. But so far my gigs are not getting any sales and click. In addition, my gig impression is decreasing. Please tell me what I should do. How can I increase my gig's impressions, clicks and get sales.


  • saifunnahar892 changed the title to Why my gig's are not getting any sales?

I see you are a SEO content writer. Perhaps if you use your knowledge of SEO to optimize your gig descriptions that would help. 

Also, in your gig images you have too many words that make it hard for prospective buyers to sort out what you sell. 

There are 12,500 other gigs in the content category you need to make yours stand out through eye catching gig images.  


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