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So very confused by support.


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I sent a message in reporting a bug. I have one order in my queue, but my dashboard says I'm overbooked and have two orders. My gig was fine, though, so no big deal; it's just a dashboard bug, so I reported it.

Instead of what I expected, I got a long, scathing rebuke about how I have way too many orders in my queue and that it could lead to cancellations; that my account could be dropped from good standing if I don't focus on getting through my active orders; and that my gig could likely be dropped in search results for having too many orders in my queue.

I. Have. One. Order.

I don't understand, and I really didn't appreciate the scathing tone I received from support when I was trying to be helpful reporting a bug. 😞


I'm quite curious about the exact message you got - mostly because the situation sounds pretty ridiculous to start with. Wouldn't CS check your gig/etc. when you report a bug? I'm almost sure you got some sort or a copy paste response to peop complaining about their impressions dropping or something (so they didn't actually read through what you've told them...) 

I'd be annoyed for this sort of a response (but potentially try reporting it again or responding to the message just in case). 


9 hours ago, markadamsdesign said:

way too many orders in my queue and that it could lead to cancellations

Well, that makes NO sense at all. How does having many orders lead to cancellations? Rationally, I know what they mean, but, sheesh, what a RUDE and condescending reply. Jerk!!!

Isn't the whole idea of being here to have many orders? I mean, that is how Fiverr earns its money from us, right? What am I missing here?

I would wonder if you could ask to escalate this to a supervisor or perhaps start a new ticket with the curt response you got and ask what you did to deserve that? I think someone needs some retraining perhaps. ugh!

Wrong side of the bed for sure for that one!



Hmm. Would love to see a screencap of the message. Perchance it was an automated robo-reply that they thought was appropriate for your query but completely missed the mark of what was actually asked?

10 hours ago, markadamsdesign said:

I have one order in my queue, but my dashboard says I'm overbooked and have two orders

You could check the gigs page and see if the "limit orders in queue" is enabled and if so what the setting is for the gig that there's an order in the queue for. If it's too low (eg. 1) you could increase it.

1 hour ago, enunciator said:

Hmm. Would love to see a screencap of the message. Perchance it was an automated robo-reply that they thought was appropriate for your query but completely missed the mark of what was actually asked?

Here ya go:



1 hour ago, uk1000 said:

You could check the gigs page and see if the "limit orders in queue" is enabled and if so what the setting is for the gig that there's an order in the queue for. If it's too low (eg. 1) you could increase it.

It's enabled and it most definitely isn't 1. You also completely misread the issue.

I have one order at the moment. My dashboard says I have two. Clearly a bug.

1 minute ago, enunciator said:

🤔 Oookay. Looking at the screenshot, I would say the CS used a template response that included comments irrelevant to your initial query.

Yeah, it's not getting much better. Was just asked if I use a Firewall.


The mystery deepens. I now have a message from my client that appears in Notifications, but when I click on it, it takes me to the chat... without the message. I can't read his full message, so I don't know how to reply to it. I wonder if the order was somehow duplicated in Fiverr's systems? In any case, my client is now waiting for a reply to a message I can't read. I've never had these issues before! 😞 

16 hours ago, markadamsdesign said:

The mystery deepens. I now have a message from my client that appears in Notifications, but when I click on it, it takes me to the chat... without the message. I can't read his full message, so I don't know how to reply to it. I wonder if the order was somehow duplicated in Fiverr's systems? In any case, my client is now waiting for a reply to a message I can't read. I've never had these issues before! 😞 

All that sounds weird and like new bugs. We haven’t heard of this ones on the forum. 
It might take some time to go through CS’s canned responses. Next they might ask you to try from different browsers and to try to clear your cache. After that they most likely will say that they will send it to a relevant team. 

for the message: it might’ve been a spam message. I think I had it a couple of times with spam, that I opened it and it was non existent but from the beginning of a message I could say that it was irrelevant spam. 


That message almost makes it sound like our gigs are 'deranked,' so to speak, if we get a lot of orders in queue. Implying that if you deliver all your orders, your gig will reappear in search results? I hope that's not what that means. Like debt to income ratio for your credit score? That would be a bit ridiculous.

Sorry for going a bit off-topic. I hope your problems get solved somehow. It seems a huge mix-up in understanding.

On 6/26/2021 at 5:39 AM, markadamsdesign said:

I have one order in my queue, but my dashboard says I'm overbooked and have two orders.

Oh, I've had that too for one of my Gigs. 

I raised the orders-in-queue limit by one to 3, refreshed the page, and the "overbooked" Gig didn't show as overbooked any longer, but yeah, it shouldn't have been overbooked in the first place, with 1 order in queue and 2 as limit.

I didn't contact support about it yet, as some bugs are temporary and it wasn't a big deal in my case, but I made a post in the forum's bug report section.

Guest jackypaula
16 hours ago, melanielm said:

That message almost makes it sound like our gigs are 'deranked,' so to speak, if we get a lot of orders in queue. Implying that if you deliver all your orders, your gig will reappear in search results? I hope that's not what that means. Like debt to income ratio for your credit score? That would be a bit ridiculous.

Sorry for going a bit off-topic. I hope your problems get solved somehow. It seems a huge mix-up in understanding.

This sounds very familiar.The apparent deranking of gigs when you have a lot of orders in queue.

I had almost 7 orders and delivered all of them in time but now it's crickets in my inbox 😂😂😂.

I hope it's for some other reason.

On 6/27/2021 at 7:29 AM, mariashtelle1 said:

All that sounds weird and like new bugs. We haven’t heard of this ones on the forum. 
It might take some time to go through CS’s canned responses. Next they might ask you to try from different browsers and to try to clear your cache. After that they most likely will say that they will send it to a relevant team. 

for the message: it might’ve been a spam message. I think I had it a couple of times with spam, that I opened it and it was non existent but from the beginning of a message I could say that it was irrelevant spam. 

I've given up on CS asking me to jump through their canned responses. It's not affecting my gig; I just turned off limiting my queue. It still shows I have 2 orders, but I definitely only have one, so I'm not gonna worry about it anymore. I'm going to take a stab and guess the client pressed Back or Refresh during the order process and Fiverr's system counted it as two orders. We'll see what happens upon delivery!

For the message, it was from that customer on the order page, so it wasn't spam. Turns out he triggered the TOS with some of his language. Turned out to be entirely innocent, but his messages must have needed a manual review because they appeared about an hour later. Really feel like notifications shouldn't be allowed to appear until the message actually lands in your inbox, but oh well. Now I know.


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