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Please stop making sellers respond to EVERYTHING

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It's bad enough we have to respond when you want us to respond instead of responding when we think it's necessary and required.  Now, even if it's a 7 day delivery, and all requirements are met and sent, we still have to respond to new orders within 24 hours...why?? This is too much.  We are now messengers instead of freelancers and to punish top selling sellers who are top notch communicators is ridiculous.  You now are micromanaging us and it's causing anxiety and turning us into employees instead.


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Hello there,

I completely understand your frustration with this rule. It seems unfair, specially for better level sellers to respond to so many orders.

While answering you can always use Quick Response feature.

We will talk about reviewing this rule with our staff and let you know if there will be some changes in the future.


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  • 3 months later...
On 6/24/2021 at 6:04 PM, dtongsports said:

It's bad enough we have to respond when you want us to respond instead of responding when we think it's necessary and required.  Now, even if it's a 7 day delivery, and all requirements are met and sent, we still have to respond to new orders within 24 hours...why?? This is too much.  We are now messengers instead of freelancers and to punish top selling sellers who are top notch communicators is ridiculous.  You now are micromanaging us and it's causing anxiety and turning us into employees instead.


Spot on, I was just demoted because of this rule!

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