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New Forum (June 2021) Feedback


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I would like this highlighted part to be sticky. the sticky part at the moment with Fiverr logo, Events, Blog, Forum, Resources, and become a seller links doesn't make any sense. When I need to access the panel while in a deep read of a thread, I need to scroll all the way up to access the highlighted part which is really inconvenient. This applies to mobile view as well.

Guest jahid_dalim

I like to the fiverr forum, and always want to spend time on fiverr forum.

Guest jahid_dalim

This form is much better and standard than the previous fiverr forum.

  • wp_kid locked this topic

It is indeed confusing. but it has more tools than we had before in the old forum like ranking system, leaderboard, statuses, following people and much more. We all will get used to this by the time goes on. The good thing is that previous forum we had is a template that probably Fiverr had no much customizability on. Since this new forum is done from the scratch by Fiverr, they can add whatever the functionality they wish to this. So, more to come, sky is the limit. 😉


I have another suggestion. How about those lovely up-vote and down-vote arrows on ALL topics. That way, we can move the annoying "Thanks. 🙂 Good idea" posts way to the bottom and people can see the actual answers at the top?

3 hours ago, melanielm said:

Can we make suggestions here? I'd love a "Go to the Top" button so my scroll wheel finger can rest.

Sure, please do 🙂  in the official new forum thread or somewhere such I read that we should post feedback here in this category, and I thought a whole topic for just my own one or two pence was a bit overkill, so I worded the thread title open on purpose, for anyone to add their feedback if they like. 


Delete post option

I think we should have the option to delete posts like we could in the other forum. eg. we might post something that we then think might be wrong but there's no way to fully remove the post.


@mjensen415 I tried to click on an event, but I get an error.

 I clicked several topics in the Community Event category, same for all of them. Most topics there are old, and some closed, I don't know if that's the reason, but the one I clicked first is new, pinned, and an event that's still to happen, was scheduled for Monday, I think.



Community Events.png

22 minutes ago, miiila said:

same for all of them

(Post issues) We are aware of this issue, a large numbe of posts is still not avilable/unlocked, we will release them soon. Within a week we will release them. 


Is there a way to get rid of the "... reacted to ..." notifications, while keeping the "...commented on..." ones that I just haven't managed to find yet?


Hello Everyone, How are you doing today? We can see new update on Fiverr Forum. Are you interested with this update? 

Which is best in this new update. If you are like in this update why are you like. Which is best system for you in this new forum.?


On 6/25/2021 at 5:48 AM, melanielm said:

Can we make suggestions here? I'd love a "Go to the Top" button so my scroll wheel finger can rest.

I get past using my scroll finger to scroll to the top by clicking on the side bar near the top and like magic away I go to the top of the post, or forum, whichever I need to. 

3 hours ago, sunilchandro said:

Are you interested with this update? 

Yes I am.

3 hours ago, sunilchandro said:

If you are like in this update why are you like

I like the ranking system the most. Leaderboard, Post reactions, Reputation scores, and User following feature are really interesting too. Seems the new user experience is designed to get more users to help each other. 


Just tried that on this topic with different spots, but it doesn't work for me. Maybe something to do with browser or pc or mouse settings. 🧐


That's not working for me either. Though using the Home button on the keyboard goes to the top of the page on mine (though a forum button might be better).


Mine just moves me up a little, probably due to the scroll wheel settings, but I can't change that, as I need it that way for something else. A forum button like on the former forum would be better for many people probably.


I think that the home page forum sections move to right side and the new topics posted by the members, show in left side(where the current forum section has). so it will clear to see what are the new posts. If some one needs to see the other topics, they can see them on right side and scroll down to the section that they need


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