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Need advice on something a seller spoke my brother into doing on his account


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Hi I was hoping anyone could give me some advice on something a seller spoke my brother into doing After cancelling 2 order.My brother just made his fiverr account a few days ago after he saved some money for a few projects.He found a seller with good reviews’’ and decided to get him to do the projects.After giving the seller the details and a reference piece he drew.The seller started the order of $100". It was about 18hours later that the seller replied with what he had done so far.Then he asked my brother if he wanted to add anything to it.My brother asked him if he could animate it.Since on the seller profile it says he could animate.The seller agreed and put up a offer of $75 then $25 for 3 emotions.So a second order was started.
After about 2days the seller replied back with a update with the animation.But my brother did not like it.And asked if he could fix some parts,they did that about 4 times but in clearly showed that animation was not the sellers thing.My brother came to me for advice on it and I told him to cancel the animation order and leave the art as is.My brother being nice sent the cancel request but decided to do it by sending the seller a message and asking to cancel on the term of not enough details given so it would not affect the seller.
But this is the part where I am making this topic on.After my brother got the order canceled the seller asked him if he could help him because the cancelling affected his account.My brother told him about the terms they canceled on that it would not affect the account but then the seller sent a screenshot showing that it did.My brother not knowing anything since he really is not that social just asked how could he help. First the seller asked if he could talk to him on off site and added contact my brother told him he does not use offsite chats.Then after about 2hours the seller asked if my brother could accept a small order and just R8 it good.My brother was still happy about the first order of the drawing because it came out alright agreed.Then the seller sent 1 small offer of $5 my brother accepted it
and gave it a good rating and review.This didn’t happen only once my brother made a second order of $200 but after it was going to be unfinished because of his budget he had to cancel again the same way so it wont affect the seller.But again the seller asked the same request this the it was $50 so my split into multiple offers and added so random file of sketches in each.
This is the part I need advice on what to do to help my brother I have tried looking it up everywhere but I have no idea the orders are complete so I’m at a lost on how to help him.My brother is not one to speak much even at his company I do most of the speaking while he draws or studies art.
If anyone could help it will greatly appreciated.
Also sorry for the long read I was just trying to go into as much detail as I could.

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Hi I was hoping anyone could give me some advice on something a seller spoke my brother into doing After cancelling 2 order.My brother just made his fiverr account a few days ago after he saved some money for a few projects.He found a seller with good reviews’’ and decided to get him to do the projects.After giving the seller the details and a reference piece he drew.The seller started the order of $100". It was about 18hours later that the seller replied with what he had done so far.Then he asked my brother if he wanted to add anything to it.My brother asked him if he could animate it.Since on the seller profile it says he could animate.The seller agreed and put up a offer of $75 then $25 for 3 emotions.So a second order was started.

After about 2days the seller replied back with a update with the animation.But my brother did not like it.And asked if he could fix some parts,they did that about 4 times but in clearly showed that animation was not the sellers thing.My brother came to me for advice on it and I told him to cancel the animation order and leave the art as is.My brother being nice sent the cancel request but decided to do it by sending the seller a message and asking to cancel on the term of not enough details given so it would not affect the seller.

But this is the part where I am making this topic on.After my brother got the order canceled the seller asked him if he could help him because the cancelling affected his account.My brother told him about the terms they canceled on that it would not affect the account but then the seller sent a screenshot showing that it did.My brother not knowing anything since he really is not that social just asked how could he help. First the seller asked if he could talk to him on off site and added contact my brother told him he does not use offsite chats.Then after about 2hours the seller asked if my brother could accept a small order and just R8 it good.My brother was still happy about the first order of the drawing because it came out alright agreed.Then the seller sent 1 small offer of $5 my brother accepted it

and gave it a good rating and review.This didn’t happen only once my brother made a second order of $200 but after it was going to be unfinished because of his budget he had to cancel again the same way so it wont affect the seller.But again the seller asked the same request this the it was $50 so my split into multiple offers and added so random file of sketches in each.

This is the part I need advice on what to do to help my brother I have tried looking it up everywhere but I have no idea the orders are complete so I’m at a lost on how to help him.My brother is not one to speak much even at his company I do most of the speaking while he draws or studies art.

If anyone could help it will greatly appreciated.

Also sorry for the long read I was just trying to go into as much detail as I could.

Then after about 2hours the seller asked if my brother could accept a small order and just R8 it good.My brother was still happy about the first order of the drawing because it came out alright agreed.

I think one rule from the Terms of Service that might be important here is:

To prevent any misuse of our Feedback system, all feedback reviews must come from legitimate sales executed exclusively through the Fiverr platform from users within our Community. Purchases arranged, determined to artificially enhance Seller ratings, or to abuse the Fiverr platform with purchases from additional accounts, will result in a permanent suspension of all related accounts.

The seller saying “rate it good” is feedback manipulation/attempted feedback manipulation even if the buyer is happy about an order. I don’t think the 2nd order should have been created in this case. If it was just an order for something the buyer didn’t actually want/not a proper order.

When the seller asked to speak off-site I’m sure that would have been against the TOS in that case if they did communicate off-site (though they didn’t).

Your brother could create a ticket at the helpdesk but he might risk a warning if Fiverr thinks he did anything against the TOS and the seller could risk a warning if the seller did. Or there’s a chance of more than a warning (see quote above about account suspension).

.This didn’t happen only once my brother made a second order of $200 but after it was going to be unfinished because of his budget he had to cancel again the same way so it wont affect the seller.But again the seller asked the same request this the it was $50 so my split into multiple offers and added so random file of sketches in each.

The splitting to more orders if the work was already done sounds like it was only done to get more reviews/orders (better stats). If they were really random sketches (not done for the buyer/not what the buyer asked for) it’s a fake order/orders really (and against the part of the TOS quoted above). If they were what was done originally for a previous order that the buyer didn’t want to continue with (cancelled original) it might be okay (but the whole splitting sounds wrong in this case) if the buyer actually wanted that work already done.

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Then after about 2hours the seller asked if my brother could accept a small order and just R8 it good.My brother was still happy about the first order of the drawing because it came out alright agreed.

I think one rule from the Terms of Service that might be important here is:

To prevent any misuse of our Feedback system, all feedback reviews must come from legitimate sales executed exclusively through the Fiverr platform from users within our Community. Purchases arranged, determined to artificially enhance Seller ratings, or to abuse the Fiverr platform with purchases from additional accounts, will result in a permanent suspension of all related accounts.

The seller saying “rate it good” is feedback manipulation/attempted feedback manipulation even if the buyer is happy about an order. I don’t think the 2nd order should have been created in this case. If it was just an order for something the buyer didn’t actually want/not a proper order.

When the seller asked to speak off-site I’m sure that would have been against the TOS in that case if they did communicate off-site (though they didn’t).

Your brother could create a ticket at the helpdesk but he might risk a warning if Fiverr thinks he did anything against the TOS and the seller could risk a warning if the seller did. Or there’s a chance of more than a warning (see quote above about account suspension).

.This didn’t happen only once my brother made a second order of $200 but after it was going to be unfinished because of his budget he had to cancel again the same way so it wont affect the seller.But again the seller asked the same request this the it was $50 so my split into multiple offers and added so random file of sketches in each.

The splitting to more orders if the work was already done sounds like it was only done to get more reviews/orders (better stats). If they were really random sketches (not done for the buyer/not what the buyer asked for) it’s a fake order/orders really (and against the part of the TOS quoted above). If they were what was done originally for a previous order that the buyer didn’t want to continue with (cancelled original) it might be okay (but the whole splitting sounds wrong in this case) if the buyer actually wanted that work already done.

Thank you for the replay.So I just got done reading over everything from my brother and the seller.It seems the seller sent 2 random sketches and the original reference drawing for the split orders.My brother didn’t ask for anything when they had been made it only says 'Thank you or …'on the order details.

I will talk to my brother about this matter you wrote about hopefully this would help him.Thank you again

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