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For digital art creators out there (veterans and news)


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Hello everyone!

I have joined fiverr about 1.5 years ago and im going for the “best seller”

I have created this topic so digital artists can share their experiences, give some hints, share(if they please to) much they can make and generally speak about their own time and plans. While the new starters (or middle guys like me) can learn whatever they can grab.

Iam unsure of how succesfull or useful this topic is gonna be, but i feel the lack of it so i had this urge to create this one (specially for digital art)

So i will speak first;

I have created my gig at the start of 2020. But i was preparing myself beforehand so i can have a nice gallery. I believed the 3 pictures i can upload to my gig was going to be my savior. And i wasnt wrong to be honest. I have made a collage of my best personal works and presented them.
At the beginning, most of my orders were from buyers request. So i took any kind of job that i believed i can do. I wasnt heavily underpaid, so it was good.

It took me 2-3 months to be level 1. And OH BOY! Level 1 is awesome compared to new seller. I almost forgot the existance of the buyers request section. And to be honest, that place is hell. My impressions and clicks skyrocketed. 3 person per day wrote to me to get comissions. I remember seeing 30k impressions on a week. And i have started to gain around 300-500 dollars per month.

It took me a little time to be level 2. I have got demoted and got level 1 again, and became level 2 and got demonted again. So it took me some time. Mostly from cancellations. Canceling an order has a downside effect for the next 60 days. So people, remember that. Of course canceling an order is better than a 2 star review. I always value 5 star rating. I dont care how much i need to work, but im gonna get me some 5 stars. So i cancelled couple orders because i believed i cannot provide to the max. And naturally, it took some time to become level 2.

Right now, i have got around 100 reviews, 98 of them are 5 stars, other two are 4+. I am happy how my gig looks. BUT, right now im probbly getting compared to other level 2 sellers and soon i will go against top rated people. And fellas, some of those people are painting like elder gods. So i also try to improve my paintings to get better results for myself and my clients.

Other than that, my monthly income has increased over the months from 300-500 to 800-1000 dollars. my impressions and views are about 10k. Pandemic has effects on us freelancers too. There are more people, more competition. And fiverr circulates whos at the first page regularly so everyone can have a chance. But i have my regular customers, and i managed to pull people in my shop. So i have some stable income.

I know i am not the fastest growing artist in fiverr. I place myself among the avarage with a little more talent than usual. But my growth is steady and thrustworthy. But let me tell you, i study hard to get better. I am aiming high. Not just on this platform, but as in general digital art. So after i got home from my 9-5 job, i immediately start studyng my paintings. My relaxing time is also my painting time. So far i have got the taste the fruits of my studyng. I am planning to quit my regular architecture job and start full time freelance painting the next year.

I hope you find something interesting or inspiring in my brief story. If you work hard and study hard to get better, you will see the results.

Feel free to write your experiences, ask me questions or critisize my gig.

Guest logovideosuk

Thank you for sharing @ozan_erdi - congratulations on your success, and hope you have much more of it. 👍

As for the disgusting comment above this - a reminder to all posters: even if you delete a comment after it’s been posted, it can still be seen and flagged.


Thank you for sharing @ozan_erdi - congratulations on your success, and hope you have much more of it. 👍

As for the disgusting comment above this - a reminder to all posters: even if you delete a comment after it’s been posted, it can still be seen and flagged.

To be honest, i didint even see what that disgusting comment was, an i cant imagine how he would attack me 😃

Now i wonder if he was creative with his attack or not 😃 Ah shoot, couldnt see it.


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