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Certificate of Earning = Skilled Doer Certificate


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Dear Fiverr,

My name is Maharshi,

I joined fiverr for sell some of my helping hand services in 2014. It’s been passed many years since i was part of my freelancing with fiverr.com Most of the time i spending my self to learn new skills and improving my self via the Video Tutorial. I see that 1 biggest thing missing in fiver is Earning Certification. Fiverr is upgrading it self day by day but fiverr do need to take a look at the function of provide an Certificate to Freelancer, Maybe as an Achievement.

I earned many $ from fiverr and i’m feeling very proud my self. My customer is very satisfied my services. All buyers are get what they looking for , From my services!

Since the 2014, I learned English to Speak properly, I learned the coding , Attended the Online Graphic Design classes and learned lot’s of things about the Graphic Design as well. Because of the Fiverr opportunity i’m at a position where any private company can hire me to do his work. I’m capable to get decent job in market.


When i watch my self front of the mirror , I feel like i’m nothing because i do not have anything more then a Fiverr account and some decent customers from all around world. I have no achievement on written letter. No Certification from an Reputed Organization. My credit and valuation is very very LOW!

So, I’m really requesting fiverr and all community to do some development on the Fiverr website where we can generate an Salary / Money //OR// Customer Earning Certification. I’m adding an Sample Certificate that i do need to have!

Please comment your opinion ,

  1. Don’t you think that every freelancer is Deserve an Earning Certificate ?
  2. Freelancers Required A value from Decent Reputed Fiverr Organization ?

Do let me know your opinion , Am i Right ? What is your thought ?

M D Chavda


Certificate Can Help Freelancer in Many Ways!

  1. Certificate can help freelancer to get a decent job when they go to Interview.
  2. Certificate proves that Freelancer is capable to do XYZ of Works.
  3. Certificate are the Only way that Showcase Credit and Value of a Person , In Regards of Working Environment.
  4. Certificate Really Helpful on LinkedIN!

Respectful - M D Chavda


I disagree.

If you owned a clothing shop, restaurant, or book store, you would get no certificates from anyone for that. This is the same thing. You own your own freelance business and just use Fiverr as a platform for sales.They are not your employer. They’re basically a storefront, a location like an empty shop on a busy street.

Guest lloydsolutions

Dear Fiverr,

My name is Maharshi,

I joined fiverr for sell some of my helping hand services in 2014. It’s been passed many years since i was part of my freelancing with fiverr.com Most of the time i spending my self to learn new skills and improving my self via the Video Tutorial. I see that 1 biggest thing missing in fiver is Earning Certification. Fiverr is upgrading it self day by day but fiverr do need to take a look at the function of provide an Certificate to Freelancer, Maybe as an Achievement.

I earned many $ from fiverr and i’m feeling very proud my self. My customer is very satisfied my services. All buyers are get what they looking for , From my services!

Since the 2014, I learned English to Speak properly, I learned the coding , Attended the Online Graphic Design classes and learned lot’s of things about the Graphic Design as well. Because of the Fiverr opportunity i’m at a position where any private company can hire me to do his work. I’m capable to get decent job in market.


When i watch my self front of the mirror , I feel like i’m nothing because i do not have anything more then a Fiverr account and some decent customers from all around world. I have no achievement on written letter. No Certification from an Reputed Organization. My credit and valuation is very very LOW!

So, I’m really requesting fiverr and all community to do some development on the Fiverr website where we can generate an Salary / Money //OR// Customer Earning Certification. I’m adding an Sample Certificate that i do need to have!

Please comment your opinion ,

  1. Don’t you think that every freelancer is Deserve an Earning Certificate ?
  2. Freelancers Required A value from Decent Reputed Fiverr Organization ?

Do let me know your opinion , Am i Right ? What is your thought ?


M D Chavda

I see that 1 biggest thing missing in fiver is Earning Certification.

As per our , sellers are responsible for handling their local taxes. However, Fiverr can issue a yearly statement of earnings.

The above is from here:


Certificates, degrees, rewards, all of them, Fiverr is not an educational institution or a training center which accredits people who use the platform. Fiverr is a business website which freelancers can operate on.

If you need something written on paper given to you to feel worthwhile, then that is an entirely different issue.


Sorry, but no.

I was burned off extrinsic rewards with the advent of ‘participation trophies.’ Intrinsic rewards are much harder to achieve, but that makes them mean something. I’ll admit, as a kid and for a long time after, I liked those shiny bits of plastic and smooth ribbons, but those fake platitudes had consequences that many are still dealing with today, including myself. I do not need a cluster of pixels to validate me.

As many of you know I’m a regular in this forum and I’d say one of the most common topics I see here is that buyers do unfair things and then the sellers’s ratings go down, jeopardizing, or even being solely responsible for, the seller level being demoted. Many, many, many months ago I stopped caring about Levels for this reason. I refuse to become anxious or run my business around unfair things that are out of my control. I know this sounds silly, because logic suggests that buyers are more …



It already exists. Your profile can tell how successful you are inside Fiverr. If Fiverr is taken seriously in professional circles, then surely having an impressive Fiverr profile should be enough to qualify you. That’s the best proof there is. If having a great Fiverr profile is not enough value or proof in itself (because people don’t care about Fiverr or place value on it), then a certificate issued by Fiverr would be no better. It’s all about the platform’s reputation and value looking from the outside.

If I’m not familiar with Fiverr, some document signed by them stating you make $x or $y would tell me nothing. If I’m familiar with Fiverr, showing me your highly successful profile would tell me everything I need to know, no documents needed.


Oh boy!

You have so many certificates on your profile. I feel dizzy already. Maybe, Fiverr should implement a limit on how many certs someone can show on their profile. 🙃



FYI the author of the topic you shared, has left Fiverr.

This is why Levels DO matter.

From years of experience, my feedback is this: Anyone claiming “levels do not matter” gives you a very irresponsible yet convenient advice driven by a bitter taste of demotion. Levels DO matter, period. They always did. Trying to say and convince people that levels do not matter, not only is a nihilistic approach but an excuse too when the outcome and the results you provide are poor. Remember: It’s not about reaching a level, but how to keep it. The bottom line is: Never trust someone who t…

author of the topic you shared, has left Fiverr

That person spent way more time on fiverr than you did.

And of course we all know that you just took a revenge approach to contradict everything what that person said.


author of the topic you shared, has left Fiverr

That person spent way more time on fiverr than you did.

And of course we all know that you just took a revenge approach to contradict everything what that person said.

Friendly poke reminder to stay calm.

On-topic: Gamification can be powerful, but Skinnerbox is plain devious.


More “time spent” or wasted, doesn’t give extra points to someone’s personal opinions. It’s the staying power that counts and she belongs to the past of Fiverr, not the Fiverr forum only. She was interviewed by Fiverr too -as you did- before you got demoted.

It’s amazing how people bite the hand that feeds them.

Now, back on-topic.

before you got demoted.

Not sure whom you are referring to here :thinking: I’m still a level 2 seller.


FYI the author of the topic you shared, has left Fiverr.

This is why Levels DO matter.

From years of experience, my feedback is this: Anyone claiming “levels do not matter” gives you a very irresponsible yet convenient advice driven by a bitter taste of demotion. Levels DO matter, period. They always did. Trying to say and convince people that levels do not matter, not only is a nihilistic approach but an excuse too when the outcome and the results you provide are poor. Remember: It’s not about reaching a level, but how to keep it. The bottom line is: Never trust someone who t…

FYI the author of the topic you shared, has left Fiverr.

None of us know as to why that particular user has stopped offering her services on Fiverr, and it is incredibly presumptuous to think that she is no longer active somehow due to having an opinion that differs from your own.

More “time spent” or wasted, doesn’t give extra points to someone’s personal opinions. It’s the staying power that counts and she belongs to the past of Fiverr, not the Fiverr forum only. She was interviewed by Fiverr too -as you did- before you got demoted.

I didn’t realize we have the chronicler and arbiter of all things Fiverr here gracing us with his beneficent presence on the forum.


Sorry, but no.

I was burned off extrinsic rewards with the advent of ‘participation trophies.’ Intrinsic rewards are much harder to achieve, but that makes them mean something. I’ll admit, as a kid and for a long time after, I liked those shiny bits of plastic and smooth ribbons, but those fake platitudes had consequences that many are still dealing with today, including myself. I do not need a cluster of pixels to validate me.

As many of you know I’m a regular in this forum and I’d say one of the most common topics I see here is that buyers do unfair things and then the sellers’s ratings go down, jeopardizing, or even being solely responsible for, the seller level being demoted. Many, many, many months ago I stopped caring about Levels for this reason. I refuse to become anxious or run my business around unfair things that are out of my control. I know this sounds silly, because logic suggests that buyers are more …

liked those shiny bits of plastic and smooth ribbons

The many banes of formal schooling systems that trail onto adulthood. :roll_eyes:


FYI the author of the topic you shared, has left Fiverr.

This is why Levels DO matter.

From years of experience, my feedback is this: Anyone claiming “levels do not matter” gives you a very irresponsible yet convenient advice driven by a bitter taste of demotion. Levels DO matter, period. They always did. Trying to say and convince people that levels do not matter, not only is a nihilistic approach but an excuse too when the outcome and the results you provide are poor. Remember: It’s not about reaching a level, but how to keep it. The bottom line is: Never trust someone who t…

the author of the topic you shared, has left Fiverr.

That doesn’t mean that she was wrong. And repeatedly arguing with someone who isn’t here is immature at best.

You seem obsessed with her, should she file a restraining order against you? Because your obsession is unhealthy, creepy and disturbing.

It’s the staying power that counts

Counts for what? If she got a better opportunity elsewhere, is she supposed to miss it and stay on Fiverr just to get your approval?


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