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New seller spaming is on high


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Hello guys,
Recently i gave order to this Graphic designer for youtube thumbnail.
He delivered my order then he find an email address of my client from there YouTube channel and he did email to my client. Please find it image spam 1 and spam 2.
In that email, he attached some proof of thumbnails. Please see deliver name image in attached file. That same image he delivered to me in last order.
With this, Instead of doing apologize he is very confident that no one can do anything against me. This is very unacceptable.
He is clearly breaks the ethics of work and try to steal my client. I am a level 2 seller what action should i take against him? I loose my client due to this spam action. This is my new client.

I don’t want to leave this person as it is because another buyer will loose there business also. Please guide me. Please see attached file


Mod Note: Screenshot removed. Please remove the username before reposting.

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The seller is violating confidentiality. Report to Customer Support. By the way you arent allowed to mention usernames here in the forum, you need to remove those

Thanks, I appreciate it but we should expose that kind of sellers by mentioning there username. I have these proofs also which is send by my client i loose $1000 order by this spamming.

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Thanks, I appreciate it but we should expose that kind of sellers by mentioning there username. I have these proofs also which is send by my client i loose $1000 order by this spamming.

Yes, But you are not allowed to mention user names here on Forums. It may lead to a violation for you. Best thing you can do is contact customer support. and let them explain about it. I hope that will help for you!

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That’s pretty messed up thing to do.
Contact CS and explain to them he contacted your client without your permission. I’m not sure if it violates the ToS but it’s certainly a very unprofessional and shady thing to do. Fiverr may give him a warning or maybe remove his seller account.

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This is a tricky situation. Technically I don’t think the seller broke TOS since they never contacted “their” client offline, they actually contacted “your” client.

But seriously if this kind of seller is on high then every buyer will loose there client or even can you imaging that? My image in front of that buyer. This is very weird.

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That’s pretty messed up thing to do.

Contact CS and explain to them he contacted your client without your permission. I’m not sure if it violates the ToS but it’s certainly a very unprofessional and shady thing to do. Fiverr may give him a warning or maybe remove his seller account.

Yes, I contact to fiverr support and surely i will take action but is it good that? i will order again to same seller and give him feedback and write these all activites which he did. Is it good? Due to this every buyer will be on alert

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Yes, I contact to fiverr support and surely i will take action but is it good that? i will order again to same seller and give him feedback and write these all activites which he did. Is it good? Due to this every buyer will be on alert

i will order again to same seller and give him feedback and write these all activites which he did. Is it good?

If you order for the sole purpose of giving a bad review, it’s a ToS violation.

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