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Things you find yourself repeatedly saying on the forum :speaking_head::speaking_head::speaking_head:


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No, it’s not a unique topic, but it seems an appropriate one at this time! :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes: Here are some things I’ve noticed a feeling a deja vu whenever I type. Feel free to contribute your own!

Great gigs get orders regardless of whether the seller is online or offline.
(On replying to the plethora of threads/posts asking or supporting the notion of “always being online 24/7.”)

Being unaware of the rules is not a valid defense for violating said rules.
(In regards to the frequent “I’ve been suspended/banned and I don’t know why” threads that pop up.)

Echo :speaking_head:
Echo Echo :speaking_head:
Echo Echo Echo :speaking_head:
(On the occasions when someone nearly or literally copies another person’s post, word for word.)


“Read the TOS”
“Use the search function”
“Do your own research”
“Your gig is violating Fiverr’s Terms of Service”
“Read a book on marketing”
“What if your client is only 99.9999% satisfied?”
“Your Order Completion Rate is calculated over the course of the last 60 days. So, as time passes, your old orders will become older than 60 days, and hence they will no longer be included in your Order Completion Rate. Thus, you might experience that your Order Completion Rate will decrease even as you receive no new orders.

Try calculating your Order Completion Rate over the last 60 days for yourself to see if it doesn’t add up.”
“You are not allowed to create a new account after being banned. That would be ban evasion and defeats the purpose of a ban. Also, it is against Fiverr’s Terms of Service to own multiple accounts”
“You have stolen your profile picture”
“You have stolen your gig images”
“It is not possible to translate into every language in the world.”
“Old Spice is the best deodorant”
“You need to learn how to accept and apply criticism”
“Stop being dishonest”
“Take cold showers”


“Read the TOS”

“Use the search function”

“Do your own research”

“Your gig is violating Fiverr’s Terms of Service”

“Read a book on marketing”

“What if your client is only 99.9999% satisfied?”

“Your Order Completion Rate is calculated over the course of the last 60 days. So, as time passes, your old orders will become older than 60 days, and hence they will no longer be included in your Order Completion Rate. Thus, you might experience that your Order Completion Rate will decrease even as you receive no new orders.

Try calculating your Order Completion Rate over the last 60 days for yourself to see if it doesn’t add up.”

“You are not allowed to create a new account after being banned. That would be ban evasion and defeats the purpose of a ban. Also, it is against Fiverr’s Terms of Service to own multiple accounts”

“You have stolen your profile picture”

“You have stolen your gig images”

“It is not possible to translate into every language in the world.”

“Old Spice is the best deodorant”

“You need to learn how to accept and apply criticism”

“Stop being dishonest”

“Take cold showers”

Using an auto refresher app will not help you appear online. In fact it will get you in trouble.

(For those who advise others to use the auto-refresher and for those who get warnings from Fiverr for doing so.)

“Old Spice is the best deodorant”

It is?

? My hubby changed from Old Spice to Arm and Hammer!


“Read the TOS”

“Use the search function”

“Do your own research”

“Your gig is violating Fiverr’s Terms of Service”

“Read a book on marketing”

“What if your client is only 99.9999% satisfied?”

“Your Order Completion Rate is calculated over the course of the last 60 days. So, as time passes, your old orders will become older than 60 days, and hence they will no longer be included in your Order Completion Rate. Thus, you might experience that your Order Completion Rate will decrease even as you receive no new orders.

Try calculating your Order Completion Rate over the last 60 days for yourself to see if it doesn’t add up.”

“You are not allowed to create a new account after being banned. That would be ban evasion and defeats the purpose of a ban. Also, it is against Fiverr’s Terms of Service to own multiple accounts”

“You have stolen your profile picture”

“You have stolen your gig images”

“It is not possible to translate into every language in the world.”

“Old Spice is the best deodorant”

“You need to learn how to accept and apply criticism”

“Stop being dishonest”

“Take cold showers”

“Old Spice is the best deodorant”


Things you find yourself repeatedly saying on the forum

Unlimited revisions = unlimited headaches – a phrase that was invented by the one and only @maitasun.

Guest ligiacarvalho

“Read the TOS”

“Use the search function”

“Do your own research”

“Your gig is violating Fiverr’s Terms of Service”

“Read a book on marketing”

“What if your client is only 99.9999% satisfied?”

“Your Order Completion Rate is calculated over the course of the last 60 days. So, as time passes, your old orders will become older than 60 days, and hence they will no longer be included in your Order Completion Rate. Thus, you might experience that your Order Completion Rate will decrease even as you receive no new orders.

Try calculating your Order Completion Rate over the last 60 days for yourself to see if it doesn’t add up.”

“You are not allowed to create a new account after being banned. That would be ban evasion and defeats the purpose of a ban. Also, it is against Fiverr’s Terms of Service to own multiple accounts”

“You have stolen your profile picture”

“You have stolen your gig images”

“It is not possible to translate into every language in the world.”

“Old Spice is the best deodorant”

“You need to learn how to accept and apply criticism”

“Stop being dishonest”

“Take cold showers”

Please read the TOS

It is against TOS

You can find on TOS


And other variations 😂


I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to do this. Maybe if you would have asked what I haven’t found myself repeatedly saying on the forum. 😉

Okay, I’ll play anyway, with just one entry, some version of “yes, you can use more than one device for your one account.”


Please read the TOS

It is against TOS

You can find on TOS


And other variations 😂

Check out the Tips for Sellers category for more info on how to get your first order.

(For all the daily posts where new users come and ask for help on how to get their first order)

Please read the TOS

It is against TOS

You can fin on TOS


So true! Honestly, the TOS just has the answers to everything :woman_shrugging:


“Read the TOS”

“Use the search function”

“Do your own research”

“Your gig is violating Fiverr’s Terms of Service”

“Read a book on marketing”

“What if your client is only 99.9999% satisfied?”

“Your Order Completion Rate is calculated over the course of the last 60 days. So, as time passes, your old orders will become older than 60 days, and hence they will no longer be included in your Order Completion Rate. Thus, you might experience that your Order Completion Rate will decrease even as you receive no new orders.

Try calculating your Order Completion Rate over the last 60 days for yourself to see if it doesn’t add up.”

“You are not allowed to create a new account after being banned. That would be ban evasion and defeats the purpose of a ban. Also, it is against Fiverr’s Terms of Service to own multiple accounts”

“You have stolen your profile picture”

“You have stolen your gig images”

“It is not possible to translate into every language in the world.”

“Old Spice is the best deodorant”

“You need to learn how to accept and apply criticism”

“Stop being dishonest”

“Take cold showers”

so xd!

I think everything has already been said, so I just have to say that:

“Old Spice is the best deodorant”

I use a thing called Everynight for Men Deodorant 😉


It is already being emptied but my next purchase will be Old Spice 😉 :nose:


ECHO, echo, …

Newcomer Echo

Welcome to the Fiverr forums.

You only have XX minutes of read-time shown in your forum profile. Check out the Tips For Sellers category (Fiverr Tips - Fiverr Community Forum). You’ll find hundreds of threads offering advice on a variety of things to consider and/or improve. (Note: Not all advice can apply to all gigs or categories. Be sure you check multiple sources as there are some false tips, even among the top threads.)

It takes a lot of work to make it as a freelancer, so be sure to research and plan accordingly.

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” (Attributed to Benjamin Franklin)

. Are you a new seller? This is how you get more orders:
. How to get any orders at all ... and get more once you have a few
. Before you ask about HOW TO GET ORDERS or No Orders: READ THIS (MORE ORDERS, Tips, Buyers, First Order, Impressions, Sales)

General Echo

“Share on social media” IS NOT the same as “create an established social media presence”.

Please see: fiverr.com/support/articles/360011292478-The-How-Tos-of-advertising-off-the-Fiverr-platform and: Top 5 Fiverr Myths - Debunked!

“Gig positions are not permanent and can rotate daily.”

This can be found here, fiverr.com/support/articles/360011028318-Managing-your-Gigs in the second paragraph.

Are your impressions zero? First check here to verify that the gig is active: https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/new/gig?level1=not_searchable

If your gig is ‘active’ then how many days has it been zero? If it’s only one day, give it 24 hours. Sometimes systems are slow to update.

If it’s been zero more than 48 hours, please read: Impressions aren't all that important. Here's why: or If your impressions are dropping, please read this. [ARCHIVED]


Please keep updates in the same thread. It’s against the Community Standards & Forum Rules - 2020 to create duplicate threads. In the case of changes in a situation, it’s doubly important, so that people can see what advice you’ve already been given and/or what steps you’ve already taken.

You are replying to an old thread. Just an FYI, it’s not a good idea to have old threads pop up in recent activity, due to the information usually being outdated.

About the Tips for Sellers category

Original tips. Nothing in your post is original or new.
It’s against the forum community rules to create duplicate posts.

Plus, you’ve been on Fiverr since XX and have XX rated sales. You’re not qualified to offer advice.

Making posts for the Tips categories: In most cases seller tips should be posted by leveled sellers with significant experience and understanding of the Forum Rules and Terms of Service. Tips should not be just copies or quick re-writes of off-Fiverr content or other seller’s posts. Tips should never be used in any self-promotional way. Posts that are considered redundant or otherwise a poor fit may be removed or moved to another category. Repeatedly posting tips that are a poor fit may result in posting restrictions.

Source: Forum Rules + Do's and Dont's - #2 by fonthaunt

Lots of (forum) links! (Some repeated)

Search results for 'upyour @eoinfinnegan in:first' - Fiverr Community Forum

Community Standards & Forum Rules - 2020
> 2 Mio services available on Fiverr
For information │ Number of services available in most competitive categories │Top countries and share
Top 5 Tips to Protect Yourself from Badly Behaved Buyers
Top 5 Fiverr Myths - Debunked!
SUCCESSFUL Fiverr ID Verification: Here's what you need to know
Improve My Gig Checklist
[Guide] How to Rank Your Gig for Better Results on Fiverr

Buyer Requests - Leadership Suggestions on Buyer Request Complaints (Few Requests, BR FAQ's, Times, Issues Etc.)
READ, People! Be original!
Buyer's Request: 39 Offers, Should you bid
New Sellers .... No Integrity .... No Success!
Don't do it! .... You Have Been Warned!
Asking for Reviews - This is what CS said
Fiverr Sends A Lot Of Mixed Messages
Your Level Doesn't Matter

Stand Your Ground: Setting Boundaries as a Seller
The power of saying, "NO!"
The Art of Saying No Nicely
[Guide] How to avoid bad buyers, and how to deal with them if you can't

Fiverr article links



I have said it before on the Forum and I will say it again.

I hear an echo! :speaking_head:

Good grief! We can’t get away from it! Even in a thread addressing such phenomenon directly!

Echo :speaking_head:

Echo Echo :speaking_head:

Echo Echo Echo :speaking_head:


I’ve all but ceased commenting on the forum because of the repetitive posts. And the often irrelevant copy paste responses that are just plonked there presumably just to accumulate those all important forum activity hours. I don’t always have the patience for people who apparently can’t be bothered to do a little research before posting. I know there are only 3 billion previous posts about every topic so finding what you need here is like finding a needle in a haystack, but c’mon.


I definitely “hear you” about repeated advice- repeating oneself can be annoying. And it’s definitely best to search the forum for a thread to find a possible answer to questions that come up.

However- when some issues are searched- an answer from 2016-2019 comes up. With so many algorithm and TOS changes that seem to have occurred over the years- those old answers may not satisfy some searchers.

In general- when I search for an answer to something on google, I disregard anything over a year or 2 old as outdated info- and I search for something from the current year. The same thing could be happening in the forum.

Also- incorrect info is being “echoed” over and over as well- from people who seem quite confident echoing their incorrect info.

So searchers may be looking for newer updated answers.

For instance- according to current TOS- incomplete orders CAN be cancelled after 1 week with no adverse effects. But when I searched this topic- there was repeat after repeat that they DO adversely affect your cancellation rate.

This may be old info and the way it used to be- but it’s not that way currently. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010108157-What-does-my-order-status-mean

New sellers like myself may be trying to find the “latest and greatest” info so just ignore us if you’ve seen the question asked and answered. Or-if your feeling industrious- I’ve seen some awesome users link the help page to the correct answers. This helps the current questioner and many future questioners to come.

The BEST thing would be for a giant search bar of the Fiverr help page to be at the top of the forum home page.


In-jokes are fun and all, but we’re probably confusing the daylights out of any non-regular visitors. I am reminded of those Dr. Scholl ‘you gellin’ in-crowd commercials.

Back on topic, here’s one more echo, but it’s short enough that typing it out is faster than having a copy/paste.


(20 - characters.)


I definitely “hear you” about repeated advice- repeating oneself can be annoying. And it’s definitely best to search the forum for a thread to find a possible answer to questions that come up.

However- when some issues are searched- an answer from 2016-2019 comes up. With so many algorithm and TOS changes that seem to have occurred over the years- those old answers may not satisfy some searchers.

In general- when I search for an answer to something on google, I disregard anything over a year or 2 old as outdated info- and I search for something from the current year. The same thing could be happening in the forum.

Also- incorrect info is being “echoed” over and over as well- from people who seem quite confident echoing their incorrect info.

So searchers may be looking for newer updated answers.

For instance- according to current TOS- incomplete orders CAN be cancelled after 1 week with no adverse effects. But when I searched this topic- there was repeat after repeat that they DO adversely affect your cancellation rate.

This may be old info and the way it used to be- but it’s not that way currently. https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360010108157-What-does-my-order-status-mean

New sellers like myself may be trying to find the “latest and greatest” info so just ignore us if you’ve seen the question asked and answered. Or-if your feeling industrious- I’ve seen some awesome users link the help page to the correct answers. This helps the current questioner and many future questioners to come.

The BEST thing would be for a giant search bar of the Fiverr help page to be at the top of the forum home page.

Definitely, some might get the impression of being caught between Scylla (“Don’t revive old threads!”) and Charybdis (“Don’t open new threads for old stuff!”), forum life is hard for new or non-regular forum visitors. However, for regular forum visitors as well, hence, this thread 🙂

Just as an aside, if anyone finds outdated/incorrect advice, especially if it might be “harmful” if followed, you can flag the topic with “other” as reason and let the mods know, they’ll usually close the topic then, they can also add a reason for closing it, like “outdated advice” or something.

I guess those threads will still show up in search but might make people think twice before following the advice in there.

And no worries, there won’t be any harm done to the OP of the flagged thread or the unlucky last poster whose post you might flag to that end, the force is strong with the mods, and they are nice and actual people, no :robot: .


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