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How to Gig Rank on Fiverr


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Hi everyone, I’m a professional facebook expert and a new seller on Fiverr. I completed 9 projects on Fiverr and got a 5-star rating in every project. I’m so disappointed that, My gig is not in Fiverr rank.
Can anyone tell me how can be ranked my gig on Fiverr’s first page?

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Hi everyone, I’m a professional facebook expert and a new seller on Fiverr. I completed 9 projects on Fiverr and got a 5-star rating in every project. I’m so disappointed that, My gig is not in Fiverr rank.

Can anyone tell me how can be ranked my gig on Fiverr’s first page?

Can anyone tell me how can be ranked my gig on Fiverr’s first page?

Only 48 gigs fit on the first page, so not everyone who wants to be on the first page can not be there.

Fiverr has a secret algorithm that none of us know for consistently ranking on the earlier pages of the search pages.

However, this thread has some good advice.

Hey everyone! [frank hello] A disclaimer: The following post/article is not an official Fiverr statement. It’s a summary of my personal observations over how Fiverr works and I am sharing because I noticed that more and more sellers come here, stating that they “lost their ranking”. This is my effort to provide them with some answers and some food for thought. Hold up. Fiverr 3.0? If Fiverr’s early days (the wild wild west days) was Fiverr 1.0 and we count the facelift in 2014 (I think?) a…


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