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My Gig to walk clients through the process of academic research was denied

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I thought I carefully crafted a Gig that explicitly avoided violating TOS about doing work for students who want to cheat. The Gig offered to show clients how to search for and evaluate sources, how to approach sources to get the most out of them. There is a need for this service, as one-on-one support is often not available in high school and college classes. (The denial reason listed is “Your Gig requires modification - General TOS violation”.) What modifications must I make? This was denied almost immediately, so I’m fairly sure it’s an automated process. Is there a way to speak with a human being about it, to appeal?

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Maybe “academic research” keyword triggered.

I can understand that. But if an actual human being read the description, it would be obvious that it is not in violation. Is there a process where an actual human being can go over it with me and override? Or is there a way to say “Hey, I can show you how to do research for a school paper” without triggering a denial?

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It was probably automatic based on keywords, or the individual considering it just took a quick glance at your gig, saw “academic” and hit “deny”. You could reach out to customer support and ask for a manual review, but somehow, I doubt it’s going to happen. There’s been a lot of trouble with this type of gig before, not to mention potential legal recourse and bad publicity for the platform, so they are very sensitive about this stuff.

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It was probably automatic based on keywords, or the individual considering it just took a quick glance at your gig, saw “academic” and hit “deny”. You could reach out to customer support and ask for a manual review, but somehow, I doubt it’s going to happen. There’s been a lot of trouble with this type of gig before, not to mention potential legal recourse and bad publicity for the platform, so they are very sensitive about this stuff.

That makes sense. I just wish I knew how to make this happen, because it is a sorely needed service, and I am capable of delivering it. I suppose sometimes we have to pay for others’ past abuses of the system, though.

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That makes sense. I just wish I knew how to make this happen, because it is a sorely needed service, and I am capable of delivering it. I suppose sometimes we have to pay for others’ past abuses of the system, though.

I suppose sometimes we have to pay for others’ past abuses of the system, though.

Yes, you’ll probably run into quite a few system issues that boil down to this “that’s why can’t have nice things” over your time here.

However, most of those things can be overcome, or at least kept at bay, don’t let it discourage you, and welcome to the forum!

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That makes sense. I just wish I knew how to make this happen, because it is a sorely needed service, and I am capable of delivering it. I suppose sometimes we have to pay for others’ past abuses of the system, though.

You can talk to Customer Support about it! https://www.fiverr.com/support_tickets/new

Although, don’t put any expectations to success with them. As you need to land with one rep that wants to help you out. Otherwise, you will likely get a cookie cutter reply. As discussed earlier, it’s likely a trigger to the system such as “academic.” You can try rewording it a certain way, look into “tutor” and “online tutoring” in the search bar and get inspiration from the top gigs there.

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That makes sense. I just wish I knew how to make this happen, because it is a sorely needed service, and I am capable of delivering it. I suppose sometimes we have to pay for others’ past abuses of the system, though.

Like @theratypist suggested, look into wording it different. That might work. “I will be your educational tutor” or something like that. But I’d try customer support first, just to make sure you’re not in fact violating any of the terms of service.

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