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Im new, how can I improve?


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Initially you can create 7 gigs so try to create 7 gigs to have maximum chance of getting orders. Also work on your existing gigs. I have checked your gigs they need a lot of improvement. Work on your gig images, description etc. Check other seller gigs in your category and see how they have presented their gigs which will give you an idea (don’t copy their gig images or description its against fiverr tos). Try to present your gig better than your competitors. Beside this stay active and make full use of buyer requests daily.

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Do social media marking that may increase your impression. Search for the potential buyer you may not find them from social media marketing but by marketing your gigs your impression will not getting down.Try to stay online maximum time. I don’t mean stay online 24/7 even i don’t think so fiverr recommended that… If your discription is seo optimized and images are eye catching that its definitely attracts buyer attention. Be patient and hope for the best ✌️

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