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Hello fiverr community members! I need some suggestions from you


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Hello everyone! I am worried about my account, recently I got two orders. and I have completed one and unfortunately, another order was canceled because the buyer was not too good. He canceled the order without any reason. now my order completion rate went down to 50%.

I don’t get any new message from new buyer for this. what should I do now? Please suggest me,

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Yeah, it will take 60 days, but is there anyway to get order on this time?

You are not banned from getting orders if your completion rate is at 50%. Stats however may affect the visibility of your gig in search (like if Fiverr will prioritize it to show up on first few pages, etc) as they say stats reflect your performance, etc. But your gig will still appear in the marketplace and buyers will still be able to see it. The buyer will not know that your completion rate is 50%, they can only see your gig profile and reviews.

You can try making offers instead in the buyer requests section.

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Try to use buyer request and get some jobs. It as great for a comeback. Rather than sitting you can try to get some new orders or if you have some old clients you can approach them if they might need any work.

thank you so much bro for your wonderful suggestion 🙂

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