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Freelancing Tax Deductibles


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Hi there, I read this on an article, “Although it can certainly hurt to know that you’re automatically giving up 20% of the sale with a new client on Fiverr or Upwork, it might ease the pain a bit to understand that these fees are tax deductible.” I just wanted to see if its true that the 20% fee for sellers on Fiverr count as a tax deductible for USA freelancers. If so how would they be categorized under type of expense? Any advice would be super helpful!

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What I use for income tax deductions (I’m in Canada) from my freelance activities are:

  • internet monthly fees
  • office supplies
  • a portion of my utilities

I think if you were to view the 20% commission that Fiverr gets as an expense (you know, you would have spent that in a Membership fee to join Fiverr if it was set up differently) then I can see it.

Good luck.

It’s an interesting idea.

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