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Best way to ask buyer for a Review or feedback


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For the first time, I have two buyers who have refused to rate me. Marked order as complete and I ask them again and again if I could do any more revision and they said they liked everything, but yet I can’t find my rating. Is there any best way to ask for this without breaking the TOS?


You are allowed to remind the buyer for leaving an honest Feedback. But you are not allowed to ask for Positive Feedback. Simple!

@shopify_ijaz Have you done this before without getting warning, I don’t want to risk anything.


Since it is not allowed via messages, you can write it at the end of your gig descriptions. I’ve seen this many times in different sellers.

Something like: I love reviews!

@corsogr I think this will be not allowed?


For the first time, I have two buyers who have refused to rate me. Marked order as complete and I ask them again and again if I could do any more revision and they said they liked everything, but yet I can’t find my rating. Is there any best way to ask for this without breaking the TOS?

I have two buyers who have refused to rate me.

And, that is their right. When a buyer receives the order, believe me, they get prompted by Fiverr to give feedback, a rating and even to tip you if they choose to do so.

There is never any reason for you to ask “again and again” if everything is OK on their end with the order - in fact, THAT could get you a TOS violation for spamming them with nonsense. If they marked your order complete, it means they accepted it (does not mean they liked it though) - it is OUT of your hands now. You delivered the work, move on to the next order. I have actually seen behavior the likes of yours messaging the buyer asking about the order (more than once) and that action being “rewarded” with BAD feedback as in a 1 or 2 star rating with the complaint that they were pestered to give feedback continuously or were bugged about the order period. Leave the buyer alone. They are not 2 years old and need you to hold their hand to give you a rating. In fact, maybe you would feel better that the last 2 people did NOT rate you! Some withhold a rating if they were less than impressed and they do not want to hurt your profile here and some do not rate because they do not want other sellers to look up how they rate or what they have ordered in the past. Some buyers are just private people like that.

There is NO way to ask for a rating without walking a thin line here that could be seen as a TOS violation by Fiverr. Just deliver the work, and let the buyer decide if they want to message you, rate you or ask for a revision.



Wow…this is interesting

Interesting and TRUE!!!


Don’t risk your account by bugging buyers after you deliver. They know how to get a hold of you. It’s the old saying, “Don’t call us, we’ll call you”.



I have two buyers who have refused to rate me.

And, that is their right. When a buyer receives the order, believe me, they get prompted by Fiverr to give feedback, a rating and even to tip you if they choose to do so.

There is never any reason for you to ask “again and again” if everything is OK on their end with the order - in fact, THAT could get you a TOS violation for spamming them with nonsense. If they marked your order complete, it means they accepted it (does not mean they liked it though) - it is OUT of your hands now. You delivered the work, move on to the next order. I have actually seen behavior the likes of yours messaging the buyer asking about the order (more than once) and that action being “rewarded” with BAD feedback as in a 1 or 2 star rating with the complaint that they were pestered to give feedback continuously or were bugged about the order period. Leave the buyer alone. They are not 2 years old and need you to hold their hand to give you a rating. In fact, maybe you would feel better that the last 2 people did NOT rate you! Some withhold a rating if they were less than impressed and they do not want to hurt your profile here and some do not rate because they do not want other sellers to look up how they rate or what they have ordered in the past. Some buyers are just private people like that.

There is NO way to ask for a rating without walking a thin line here that could be seen as a TOS violation by Fiverr. Just deliver the work, and let the buyer decide if they want to message you, rate you or ask for a revision.


GG, You should be in a Fiverr Team! You explain things so well… 😇


For the first time, I have two buyers who have refused to rate me. Marked order as complete and I ask them again and again if I could do any more revision and they said they liked everything, but yet I can’t find my rating. Is there any best way to ask for this without breaking the TOS?

For the first time, I have two buyers who have refused to rate me. Marked order as complete and I ask them again and again if I could do any more revision and they said they liked everything, but yet I can’t find my rating. Is there any best way to ask for this without breaking the TOS?

I think it’s better to don’t ask for review or feedback. if you do that may you will get a warning. so don’t take risk.


You can ask them to drop feedback, but you don’t tell them to rate you in which ever way. just ask them to drop feedback on the order to help you get more sales in the marketplace

You can ask them to drop feedback, but you don’t tell them to rate you in which ever way.

Please don’t. Do not solicit buyers for any type of feedback, regardless of mentioning reviews or ratings.


Buyers are NOT obligated to say anything (good or bad) in a review after you have completed the job you were hired to do.

I have over 650 reviews, but that only represents 76% of my completed jobs.

In other words, 24% of the work I have done on Fiverr has not be rated by the Buyers.

I had two jobs last month that did not get reviews.

Did it upset me?

Absolutely not.

I’m not here for reviews.

I’m here to provide a service to those who hire me.

I understand how important reviews are to new Fiverr Sellers, but trust me, they are no big deal.

EDIT: Remember, Fiverr does send prompts to Buyers reminding them to leave a review.

Do NOT do this yourself.


It’s either ask, then someone pops in and says don’t ask. Another says ask. Come on, I think we are scared of the unknown. I want to know who has tried in a pleasant way that won’t warrant a warning, not people who are scared of the unknown.


Buyers are NOT obligated to say anything (good or bad) in a review after you have completed the job you were hired to do.

I have over 650 reviews, but that only represents 76% of my completed jobs.

In other words, 24% of the work I have done on Fiverr has not be rated by the Buyers.

I had two jobs last month that did not get reviews.

Did it upset me?

Absolutely not.

I’m not here for reviews.

I’m here to provide a service to those who hire me.

I understand how important reviews are to new Fiverr Sellers, but trust me, they are no big deal.

EDIT: Remember, Fiverr does send prompts to Buyers reminding them to leave a review.

Do NOT do this yourself.

@looseink Over 650 reviews. You can’t compare yourself to me… I need those reviews more than you need them.


@looseink Over 650 reviews. You can’t compare yourself to me… I need those reviews more than you need them.

Wasn’t making a comparison.

But you should know that it also took five years to get 650+ reviews.

It doesn’t come quickly.

And, as I stated, not everyone will leave a rating nor are they expected to.

Good luck.


It’s either ask, then someone pops in and says don’t ask. Another says ask. Come on, I think we are scared of the unknown. I want to know who has tried in a pleasant way that won’t warrant a warning, not people who are scared of the unknown.

It’s either ask, then someone pops in and says don’t ask. Another says ask. Come on, I think we are scared of the unknown. I want to know who has tried in a pleasant way that won’t warrant a warning, not people who are scared of the unknown.

Go ahead and do it then if you want to risk a warning. There are plenty of experienced sellers in this thread who have given you advice. It is up to you if you want to heed them or not.

Also, I think reading a textbook on business communication could be beneficial for you. The way you communicate with some of the people trying to help you here could do with a little work.

Only 51% of my customers rated my orders, and it is going down fast. For example, at one point last month I had gotten 19 orders, and only 3 of the clients left a review. I am not bothered by it at all. I let people make their own decisions about whether to rate me. That is how it should be.

As a buyer who has purchased hundreds of gigs on Fiverr, I have always found it a bit unprofessional when sellers ask for reviews. I never liked it, so I swore I would never ask for reviews when I became a seller myself.


@looseink Over 650 reviews. You can’t compare yourself to me… I need those reviews more than you need them.

This is a commonly asked question on the forum.

You know what another commonly asked question is?

“Help! My account is suspended/terminated and I don’t know why!!!” then it is eventually found out by pulling the OP’s teeth that they were soliciting feedback from a buyer on a completed order.

If you think you know better, then knock yourself out. Don’t be surprised, however, of the likely results.


It’s either ask, then someone pops in and says don’t ask. Another says ask. Come on, I think we are scared of the unknown. I want to know who has tried in a pleasant way that won’t warrant a warning, not people who are scared of the unknown.

Scared of the unknown!?? Well, if you want to be banned, ask for a rating and review, because Fiverr DO NOT allow sellers to ask the buyer for a review. It is against the TOS.


You can’t ask for a review. Ever. In any way. You will see people claim differently on the forum, because the forum is overrun with incompetent meksells. Ignore them.

The most you can do is to kind of remind them, indirectly, when delivering. Something like “Here’s what you ordered. Please let me know what you think!”

“Let me know what you think” can mean “let me know if everything is ok and you need a revision” or… “let me know what you think in a review”. The first case is totally legit and ok to say, the second case is not. But you’re not saying it, so there’s nothing you can be accused of.

You won’t get banned for saying that. But that’s the absolute most you can do. Anything else will be a risk.


I think the OP has already made up his mind and is looking for replies that reinforce his decision to ask for reviews/feedback.

All the experienced members who are advising him not to are simply cowards I guess. 🤨

There are times when people are going to hang themselves, no matter what. All you can do is stand back and watch.


@enunciator Nope, you’re wrong. After getting some advice, I’ve figured out, Even though review matters for a new seller like me, It doesn’t hurt my profile. Either won’t stop me from leveling up etc. Right now I am sitting at 89% and I don’t think it is too bad, considering other older sellers who are below 70%. so yeah, I didn’t contact the buyer again, and I will let it slide. Thanks to everyone for your input and your time to respond to my question. I appreciate your efforts.


@enunciator Nope, you’re wrong. After getting some advice, I’ve figured out, Even though review matters for a new seller like me, It doesn’t hurt my profile. Either won’t stop me from leveling up etc. Right now I am sitting at 89% and I don’t think it is too bad, considering other older sellers who are below 70%. so yeah, I didn’t contact the buyer again, and I will let it slide. Thanks to everyone for your input and your time to respond to my question. I appreciate your efforts.

Honestly I think you are looking at this the wrong way. I understand why you do but it is the real limit.

Note how casual Mr Ink appears about Reviews. Other sellers with decent success tend to be that way too. Note how those most obsessed with reviews, stars and stats are usually those with minimal success?

What does this tell us?

It definitely indicates that we are here to Deliver Great Work, not to collect Reviews and other Stats that cannot be swapped for carrots to feed our software habit (or children).

Keep your focus on the work you do. Not on the idea of star rating, reviews, etc. If they paid you, you won. No more, no less. I know a glowing review is lovely but if you only want the review to try to force more people to buy from you, the focus is on that and not on what you do - your craft. This will make you less good at your craft.

I am here to allow people who want me to Mix their songs.

I am not here to get star ratings, reviews, levels, etc. I have a level now. Do you know what it has brought me? Not a thing. Angels did not come down from Heaven and award me with so much as a piece of muddy cotton trampled under Jesus’s sandal. Every day post-badge has been just like the ones before.

I am here to allow people who want me personally to Mix their songs.

What are you ere to do?


Guest getty_webdesign

Is not a must for a buyer to leave a review on your gig. If you want a buyer to leave feedback on your service, simply write something like “And don’t forget to leave feedback about your experience.” on the delivery note.

But that may also not be important since Fiverr itself send email notifications to the buyer asking them to give feedback about your work.

I have not yet accomplished so much on Fiverr, but at one point I worked for this buyer who wanted to give me a review but he couldn’t simply because he did not know the words to use. Only 80% of my sales are rated, and in all I’ve managed to make my buyers happy.

You can ask a buyer to leave their feedback but it’s forbidden to ask a buyer to leave a positive review or give you full stars as you will get a warning for that. It’s always good to be keen just in case.


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