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My Journey to Level 2 Seller in 60 days and Advice Looking Back


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My Journey to Level 1 Seller in 30 days and Advice Looking Back: UPDATE!! LEVEL 2 @ 60 Days now!

I remember only 30+ days ago coming to Fiverr and wondering “Why didn’t I think of this before?”. I thought it was only fair since I did an awful lot of research and even “borrowed” some ideas from other successful fiverr members that it’s natural to pay it forward.

Here is my journey:

  1. My First Fiverr Gig:

    Well, the hardest part was trying to think of what I wanted to offer on Fiverr. The truth is, a lot of great people are selling a lot of the same things I am - so how do I stand out? - Thankfully this one I solved quickly, one thing I have an abundance here in the Philippines is beautiful people that need money to support their families. I’ve been the Talent Manager for a Modeling Agency here in Manila since last year while working my full time job as a Virtual Assistant (A very popular job here because we are English speakers and have a lot in common with the Western World).

  • So then came my first gig: "Have a Professional Model Hold Your Sign or Logo"

    Seemed simple enough - but I realized very fast that I had thousands of people viewing it… but very little conversion on the post. I wasn’t sure why - I mean, I had a photoshoot with my models and I had them all “dolled” up with make-up and cute outfits in sexy poses… I mean - what gives? Well - It was so simple, I looked at the models who were getting lots of gig orders and they had something I didn’t - a clear deliverable. We didn’t have a good description that told fiverr viewers what they were actually getting, people kept sending messages “How many photos, what outfits, etc” I needed to be more specific! I updated the description with clear deliverables and BOOM the orders came in right away. They knew what to expect and were happy to leave awesome reviews when we over-delivered time and time again.

  1. My Second Fiverr Gig? More Gigs? Why?

    I kept getting requests for videos, “Can you or your models do video testimonials or video with out sign/logo?”. It only made sense to give what the people wanted! So the second gig was “Record and HD Testimonial or Review”. This one was even more popular than the pictures! Go me! I even have return customers for various projects - and those can be very useful for rainy days!

  • Well my “Day Job” (Or night since I work USA Time zones) is to support American Corporations product and sales support spending my nights up talking to Americans all day. I thought, well - I am more than qualified to do the same here in the Philippines. I even approached some of my co-workers to help out and we work together. I now manage a team of Virtual Assistants that are BPO (Business Process Outsourcing) professionals. We get a TON of inquiries, and we’ve had a few bites, and most of them are long term. The challenging part was determining a way to do it per gig in Fiverr. Now that I’m a Level 1 Seller I will have to re-update my gigs to include “Gig-Extras” to ensure they can purchase what they want, because I know from the amount of inquiries I have, I’m running into a problem with what they will get and expectations - but I’m learning and I’ll adapt.

  1. I love Capitalism and the Free Market

    Well, this is capitalism at it’s finest, and we here in the Philippines are one of the last countries on Earth who enjoy capitalism and the effect it’s created here in our country due to outsourcing. Thanks to the Western Countries who keep raising their minimum wages, healthcare costs, and employer contributions to retirement it has created a giant cost gap between the average high-skilled (even college graduates) who would be fortunate to get a position with 4 dollars an hour or more. So Fiverr fits perfect for me and my colleagues here in the Philippines - we get a better than college graduate wage (4USD after the 1USD Fiverr fee) and we get to work for ourselves on the time table we want without the worries of clocking into work every day. Here in the Philippines we’re used to working 11 hours a day for 5 days a week to make 350-550 USD a month depending on the position. So even working 4 gigs a day at 4 dollars is 16 dollars a day - that would equate to 4200 USD a year. The average salary in Philippines is 4500 USD a year… So do the math. This is a very good “gig” for us… no pun intended. Thank you evil capitalists from around the world using Fiverr to cut costs on tasks you’d have to spend on “quality” labor over in your country - It really is great for us “lowly 3rd world countries” we appreciate it.

  2. Thank you Fiverr & the Awesome Fiverr Community

    I hope you guys read these posts, and although this is a blog and I’ll probably fade away in forum hell into a post no one will read. It might get some risidual traffic on google since Fiverr is a high-traffic site. I didn’t write this for fame or popularity, or even to get more gigs like all the rest of the Fiverr link spammers on the forums. I did this because I hope my insight can help someone who might not know how to use Fiverr - or how awesome it can be with a little strategy. I hope my experiences can help you all - and always remember - Find a demand, Fill it, and keep them HAPPY!

    PS. I’ve actually bought more gigs than I’ve sold, I love Fiverr!

    Have a great Day!!

    <3 Modelas
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  • 4 weeks later...

A VERY intelligent post, Modelas - well done! 🙂

I’ve dealt with Philippines Outsourcers before, so I know that the salary figures you quote above, are quite accurate.

One question: With all the things you are involved in, how do you manage to find ANY time to be a Seller on Fiverr? 😉


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