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Hire someone on Fiverr to promote my Gig on social media?


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Hi everybody! So I don’t have any social media accounts where I can promote my Gig. Since I still want to get the word out about my service & create exposure I thought about having someone else on Fiverr help me do this. The questions I have about this are:

  • Is this against Fiverr policy? I see a lot of Gigs offering this so I don’t believe it is, but I’m not quite sure.
  • What should I look for in the services people offer? For example certain keywords in their gig etc.
  • My gig focuses on poetry writing, so which channels are best to promote this on?
  • Using such a service from someone of course doesn’t guarantee any traffic let alone sales. Is it still possible to get some proof of their actions? If so, what should I ask for as proof?

I’m aware my service is a bit of a niche as well. If you think it’s not worth spending money on this tactic, please let me know as well. Thank you in advance for your responses! 💗

Guest jahiddalim

Hi there welcome to fiverr forum


Hi everybody! So I don’t have any social media accounts where I can promote my Gig. Since I still want to get the word out about my service & create exposure I thought about having someone else on Fiverr help me do this. The questions I have about this are:

  • Is this against Fiverr policy? I see a lot of Gigs offering this so I don’t believe it is, but I’m not quite sure.
  • What should I look for in the services people offer? For example certain keywords in their gig etc.
  • My gig focuses on poetry writing, so which channels are best to promote this on?
  • Using such a service from someone of course doesn’t guarantee any traffic let alone sales. Is it still possible to get some proof of their actions? If so, what should I ask for as proof?

I’m aware my service is a bit of a niche as well. If you think it’s not worth spending money on this tactic, please let me know as well. Thank you in advance for your responses! 💗

Hullo again.

First and foremost: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360011292478-The-How-Tos-of-advertising-off-the-Fiverr-platform “Share on social media” IS NOT the same as “create an established social media presence”.

Maybe make a YouTube channel where you recite your own poetry, and post one-a-day for a few weeks? I’ll admit I’m not sure what other platforms work well for poetry.

Is this against Fiverr policy?

‘Social media content manager’ is permitted, but there must be NO promises of results.

Fake engagement and traffic

Do not post, offer or ask for:

  • Followers, subscribers, fans or views on social media platforms.
  • Fake engagement on any platform.

Promise a service outcome which is not in your control

In certain instances, sellers may be tempted to promise outcomes of their service which is not in their control. For example, guaranteeing to restore your Amazon account or promising an exact amount of viewers for a Youtube video by its digital promotion. Please refrain from promising outcomes that are not in your control because it misleads buyers.

source: https://www.fiverr.com/community/standards/integrity-authenticity

What should I look for in the services people offer?

That’s a bit trickier, as people can easily fake the appearance of competence. This step is going to involve questioning potential sellers, not just looking at their gigs. Make a list of what YOU want to see in a Seller. See this as an HR manager hiring a new worker. (Hire a thoroughbred, not a donkey.)

My gig focuses on poetry writing, so which channels are best to promote this on?

Kinda address this above, but if you want to be able to link to it from Fiverr: https://www.fiverr.com/support/articles/360016541618-Allowed-Links-for-Gigs

Is it still possible to get some proof of their actions? If so, what should I ask for as proof?

Proof can be faked, as mentioned. Honesty, I would suggest experimenting a bit yourself so you can see some cause and effect with your own eyes first. There was a great Social Media Marketing course I took on Fiverr Learn that covered a LOT of good-to-know basic information (Online Social Media Content Strategy Class | Fiverr scroll down there to see what it covers). Yes, it’s an expense, but there is the potential it could save you a LOT in the long run. (It’s also a lot less than a college Marketing class.)

The best way to know if something is fake is to know a bit about it yourself.

If you think it’s still outside your budget, I’ll happily share a bunch of relevant Marketing pages from Wikipedia. (They just tend to be more generalized and a bit harder to read through.)


I will be my usual Devil’s Advocate self: What sad phreaky person purchases proffered poetry?

What I am saying is that this a pretty focused market so you really need to target who your real buyers are and focus entirely on them. Looking at your Gig, I think you have a fair sense of who that might be: Mothers/Grandmothers of bonnie bouncing babies berating the broader briar of the beneficence of their bloated bas(oops)ket of babbling baby.

This means of course that you have to really appear where these people are. If you can identify and target similar behaviors; in that, you may surmise that such people purchase plenty of annoying avocadoes at specialist shops, or that they visit those magazines wherein they are made to feel inferior for the averageness of their apartment so they are driven to feel the overwhelming need to collect curtains, or fridge magnets unique to their perplexing progeny.

Sadly I would assume that many of the sellers of social media marketing are not equipped to even understand what I wrote, let alone build a Strategy and Tactics to roll out such a thing. No doubt these people exist (don’t look at me - I hate Google Ads) but won’t be in the $5-15 arena.

Seeing you got this far, would it better to refine your Strategy and DIY as indicated above?


  • Is this against Fiverr policy? I see a lot of Gigs offering this so I don’t believe it is, but I’m not quite sure.

I dont think so. If anything, Fiverr encourages you to weaponise social media as that means, more sales for you, and more commission for Fiverr. If you have the money, go ahead and get it done.

  • What should I look for in the services people offer? For example certain keywords in their gig etc.

As others have pointed out, and you have observed as well, you are a niche service. If I was in your position, I will contact multiple social media sellers, talk to them, discuss with them and see who gets what you are trying to sell. If necessary, start with a small weekly budget (social media is not a race, its a marathon so you have to budget for 3 to 6 months of work)

  • My gig focuses on poetry writing, so which channels are best to promote this on?

I got skip this. I am not a poet.

  • Using such a service from someone of course doesn’t guarantee any traffic let alone sales. Is it still possible to get some proof of their actions? If so, what should I ask for as proof?

Proof is very easy. If the social media things are working, then, you should see more impressions and more clicks. You can even set a target.

For example, let’s say, now you are getting 100 impressions per week.

You discuss with your social media partner, if they can take it up to 200 impressions per week.

That’s usually the sort of targets I set, whenever I use social media marketing services.


I will be my usual Devil’s Advocate self: What sad phreaky person purchases proffered poetry?

What I am saying is that this a pretty focused market so you really need to target who your real buyers are and focus entirely on them. Looking at your Gig, I think you have a fair sense of who that might be: Mothers/Grandmothers of bonnie bouncing babies berating the broader briar of the beneficence of their bloated bas(oops)ket of babbling baby.

This means of course that you have to really appear where these people are. If you can identify and target similar behaviors; in that, you may surmise that such people purchase plenty of annoying avocadoes at specialist shops, or that they visit those magazines wherein they are made to feel inferior for the averageness of their apartment so they are driven to feel the overwhelming need to collect curtains, or fridge magnets unique to their perplexing progeny.

Sadly I would assume that many of the sellers of social media marketing are not equipped to even understand what I wrote, let alone build a Strategy and Tactics to roll out such a thing. No doubt these people exist (don’t look at me - I hate Google Ads) but won’t be in the $5-15 arena.

Seeing you got this far, would it better to refine your Strategy and DIY as indicated above?


@imagination7413 @benedictrm @jay_codeguy

Thank you all so much for your valuable input :hugs: I’ll take it all into consideration and ponder a bit on where to take it from here!

Mothers/Grandmothers of bonnie bouncing babies berating the broader briar of the beneficence of their bloated bas(oops)ket of babbling baby.

This line deserved a shout out haha, nicely put!


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