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Fiverr account and gig view


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First rule of thumb when posting in the “Improve My Gig” category here and asking others to “check out your Gig” and critique it -


People should not have to go the extra mile to give you insight about your Gig and its shortcomings.

I noticed you “LIKED” my comment, but have yet to EDIT your post to include a LINK to your Gig.


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Guest lloydsolutions

I am here to help you with your assignments and projects.

experience in Essay writing

You need to remove the above from your gig and profile description as offering to help with academic work is against the Terms of Service as I have previously pointed out in the post below.

i am totally hopeless.

The gig has been removed as discussed in the above but you still need to remove the references in your account to academic work.

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