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Does anyone here own Fiverr Stock?


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13 hours ago, corsogr said:

I noticed that stock price this period is close to $35. That is really low compared to past. It looks like a good time to buy.

We're on our way into a recession. Investing in stock that has just taken a beating might not be a good idea. I'm a shareholder myself, and I haven't sold my stocks, since there would be no point right now. 

But if you take a look at the history of Fiverr stock prices, it's been going down and down since february 2021. Just since last month, we're down more than 17%. We're basically exiting the pandemic bubble. 

Most analysts at this point advise shareholders to hold. 

Even so, Fiverr can and will grow in my opinion. If you have enough money to speculate on stocks, after you've paid your bills and set aside enough for living comfortably with rising food prices, gas prices and possible food shortages, and you've already diversified your portfolio with safer bets like gold to have some security, Fiverr might not be your worst bet. 

But I wouldn't go crazy. 

And investing at all during these troubling times, should only be done after you've set aside a nice emergency fund and if you're ready to let the money sit for 5 - 10 years or longer. 

If you have a mortgage, I'd focus on that. I have a feeling we'll see lots of people defaulting in the coming years. I smell corrections left and right. 😂

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It's a great entry point for anyone who watched Fiverr's stock go to $300 and beat themselves up for missing the boat.

If anyone has cash in hand and is willing to go long on Fiverr because they believe in the company and the CEO, now is a good chance as the entry point is fairly low.

The bear run is not done yet, so if you are easily shaken, then you won't enjoy the next 6 months or so.

But if you are willign to invest and then wait for years, then $30 doesn't seem like a bad entry point.

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4 hours ago, animie_video said:

@smashradioApologies for my ignorance, but does recession in Fiverr stocks has any relation with Fiverr market too? Basically interested to know that is it going to affect sellers too?

Directly, no. But if we take the general situation in the stock market as an indication, it's likely that businesses will start to scale down some operations. That could potentially mean less business for us as sellers, but I'm not too worried about that. 

2 hours ago, frank_d said:

It's a great entry point for anyone who watched Fiverr's stock go to $300 and beat themselves up for missing the boat.

If anyone has cash in hand and is willing to go long on Fiverr because they believe in the company and the CEO, now is a good chance as the entry point is fairly low.

The bear run is not done yet, so if you are easily shaken, then you won't enjoy the next 6 months or so.

But if you are willign to invest and then wait for years, then $30 doesn't seem like a bad entry point.

I most certainly believe in the company, so I'm holding on to my shares. But I wouldn't invest my reserves at this point - not in Fiverr or any other stock - but it has little to do with Fiverr. The bubble we saw during the pandemic isn't likely to happen again anytime soon, but I'm sure the prices will rice rise *again when the markets swing the other way. But like both you and I mentioned, that could take years. 

I would much rather focus on building up a bigger cushion and making sure my portfolio is diversified with more physical assets at this point in time. 

But you're right: if you're in it for the long run and you have the money to spare, the entry point isn't bad at all, considering we were at 300 a few months ago. 

* Good lord, I need to learn typing all over again on this laptop. Also, note to self: stop thinking about food when typing. 

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13 hours ago, animie_video said:

@smashradio Thank you for the answer and hoping the best for everyone as you said it doesn't matter for you but for most of the sellers it does matter a lot. 

I didn't say it doesn't matter. I said I was not too worried about it. If businesses start spending less on services because they have to save money, that will also affect me. I'm not too concerned because I started preparing for a financial crisis in 2020, and I've had two years to increase the size of my financial cushion. 

I get the chills whenever I see governments printing money like crazy (like they did during the pandemic/lockdowns to keep the markets up artificially). So it seemed like the smart thing to do: less investing in stocks, more investing in a rainy-day fund to keep me afloat if/when the shit hits the fan. And it appears to be some shit hitting the fan right about now. 

For now, though, it's business as usual, and I'm getting more business than ever here on Fiverr. But I'd hate being content with the situation only to get surprised when things start going the other way. 

But unless all your buyers have invested all their money in Fiverr stocks, the stock price won't affect you directly. It's the general market trend that is worrisome. 

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  • 6 months later...

I invest quite heavily in stocks and shares in the UK. The tech sector can through out some surprises from time to time, and with prices as low as this it could return some handsome rewards

Fiverr have so many irons in the fire this is a great opportunity to buy! So I may take a punt and see where it leads me.  

Please note, I do not provide financial advise and this is my opinion only.  I do not want to be responsible for the forum being flooded by share price updates as well as lack of impressions. 😀

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