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Order / Dispute Time Should Stop and Only Start when Buyer has Responded


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I think that the order timer should stop when a Buyer or Seller make a dispute and the timer should only restart when the Buyer or Seller responds to the dispute.

I had a sitation this week where a buyer was not responding, they asked for a 3 day extension which I granted but they did not respond for another two days. The timer was still ticking, my order became two days late (“Ridiculously late”) even though I was waiting for buyer to respond the dispute. I think it is very unfair that the order timer continues even if they buyer (or seller) is not responding.

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Yes,I agree but your reply isn’t related to my thread, you may want to look at this one:

Please FIverr Listen to what sellers has to say. Please add an option to refuse direct Gig purchases for orders that may not match price, delivery time or whatever reason. Sellers should have the option to work on their own choice. I have clearly mentioned in my GIg to PLEASE discuss before placing orders. Because every task has unique requirements and general Gig prices do not match every project. Still the buyers place direct orders before having a consent and it eventually leads to lower ord…
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